Easiest Way To Clean Bird Shit From Clothes

By: Sandeep Gupta Mon, 06 Nov 2017 12:38:36

Easiest Way To Clean Bird Shit From Clothes

If you own a bird, then the odds are that your feathered friend has pooped on you at least a few times. While we can't blame our birds for their little accidents, getting pooped on is hardly any fun -- particularly when your nice clothing is involved! The comforting part about bird poop is that for the most part it doesn't stain clothing or anything else for that matter. And if your bird is healthy, bird poop doesn't smell.

To be honest, it's pretty inoffensive and it's fairly easy to remove from anywhere that it doesn't belong.

And there is a reason bird poop doesn't smell. First of all the avian diet is primarily made up of mostly vegetable matter. When an animal eats meat it tends to be smellier because meat protein is rich in sulfides which is the component in the meat that causes the smell. Another reason is that the food passes quickly through the lower tract and the poop doesn't have a chance to ferment. So no smell can occur due to this.

To clean bird poop off of clothing most efficiently, keep the following rules in mind:

clean bird shit from clothes,tips to clean bird poop,bird shit from clothes,bird shit cleaning tips,household tips

# Let the poop dry

Trying to remove wet bird poop from your clothing will most likely result in a bigger mess, as fresh bird poop tends to smudge on fabric. For the easiest removal, let the poop dry completely before attempting to remove it from the clothing.

# Pluck, then scrape

Once the poop is completely dry, use a paper towel or napkin to pry the largest pieces off of your clothing. Sometimes, the poop will come off in one large piece. If there are smaller pieces of dried poop left behind on the fabric, scrape the area with the edge of a credit card until the remaining solid waste flakes off.

# Wipe down the area

After all of the solid waste has been removed, many times you will be able to see a light colored spot where the droppings fell. This is the remnants of dried urates from the poop. To remove this spot from clothing, dab and wipe the area with a damp cloth for a few minutes. A microfiber cloth works wonders for this purpose as it doesn't leave any lint on the area you are attempting to clean.This should help to remove any remaining waste that is visible. Once the area is dry, it should be very hard to tell that you ever got pooped on to begin with!

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