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Irritated With Houseflies? Try These Natural Tips

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 15 July 2017 7:21:58

Irritated With Houseflies? Try These Natural Tips

Common house flies are only one of the 1.2 million species of flies in the world. If you’ve got fed up with these irritating buzzing flies all over your house, its time to get rid of them. And not only because they irritate you but also because they are the carriers of disease causing bacteria. Did you know that a single house fly can carry about a million bacteria on their tiny body hair called tarsi! They get these bacteria from all the contaminated places where they go and sit such as fecal matter, garbage disposal sites, rotten foods etc.

irritated with houseflies try these natural tips

1. Flypaper Strips

Corn syrup- ½ cup
Sugar- ¼ cup
Paper, brown paper or thin cards


1. Cut 2 inch wide strips from the paper or card. Punch a hoe or two at the top of each strip and thread it to make a loop to hang at the places where flies come.

2. Mix the corn syrup and sugar.

3. Coat one side of each strip with the corn-sugar syrup. If the syrup drips, place a bowl underneath the hanging paper.

4. Now hang these strips where you see the flies most. They’ll get attracted to the sugary syrup and when they land on these strips, they’ll get stuck to it.

irritated with houseflies try these natural tips

2. Plastic Water Bags

- Clear plastic bag (gallon size) - 1


1. Fill the plastic bag with water. Keep it halfway full with water.

2. Tie a knot at the mouth of the bag to secure it properly. You may also use a thread or a rubber band for the purpose.

3.Now just hang this water filled plastic bags near your entryways, garage doors or any other such outdoor entrances.

irritated with houseflies try these natural tips

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Apple cider vinegar- ½ cup
2. Glass jar (with or without lid)- 1
3. Funnel or paper to make one (if using jar without a lid)- 1


1. Heat the apple cider vinegar. You can do this by using microwave oven or heat it in a pan over your gas burner.

2. If using a jar with lid, make some holes on its lid, big enough to let the flies enter the jar.

3. If you don’t want to destroy the lid, you may also use a funnel. If you can’t find one, make a funnel with paper by folding and stapling it in the shape of a cone leaving a hole at the narrow end.

4. Now fill the jar with heated cider vinegar and place the lid with holes over it.

5. If using funnel, place the funnel on the mouth of the jar with narrow side inside the jar.

6. Now place the jar where flies are seen most of the times.

7. Let it be there for a day. Flies will get attracted to the smell of vinegar and enter the jar through the holes. Once inside, they get trapped. Flies can’t figure it out that they can even fly out from the same hole that worked as their entrance.

irritated with houseflies try these natural tips

4. Lavender Oil

1. Lavender oil- ½ – 1 cup
2. Tin can with lid- 1
3. Cloth or a dish sponge


1. Dip the cloth or the sponge in the lavender oil.

2. Now place this cloth or sponge in the tin can, put on the lid and leave it for 24 hours.

3. After 24 hours, remove the lid and keep the tin at a place where you see most of the flies in your home.

4. After using, replenish the oil as the air weakens the strength of the oil. Cover and store the ting containing your fly repellent.

5. Take precaution not to let it come in contact with your skin as it is in undiluted form.

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