Scared Of Lizards At Home, Try These 5 Tips

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 22 July 2017 7:14:39

Scared of Lizards at Home, Try These 5 Tips

There is no one who would like the sight of a lizard or cockroach in their homes. These are a real nuisance and are a carrier of harmful pathogens and micro-organisms. Even though lizards are kind of helpful by getting our homes rid of small flies and insects, but then again, they are not a very pretty sight to see wandering around the house on the walls.

The market is filled up with various insect and lizard repellants, but these are all made up of harmful chemicals and are toxic in nature. These absolutely cannot be used if you have children or pets at home.

# Egg Shells

Lizards are repelled by the smell of eggs, and thus keeping a few egg shells around the doors and windows or few other places in the house will prevent them from entering and it'll keep them away.

household tips,get rid of lizards with these tips,home remedies to get rid of lizards

# Garlic

The smell of garlic is also repellant to lizards. Hang cloves of garlic or spray some garlic juice around the house to keep these ugly lizards away from your home.

# Coffee And Tobacco Powder

Make small balls of coffee and tobacco powder and stick them on matchsticks or tooth picks. Leave these in cupboards and other places where lizards are seen often. This mixture is fatal for them, so you will have to deal with disposing of the bodies.

# Onions

The pungent smell of onions is also not pleasing to these creatures. So, spray some onion juice to make them stay away from your house.

# Coffee Grounds

They are very effective in driving cockroaches away from your house. You can keep this in small dishes in various locations in your house for getting rid of the roaches.

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