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These 5 Tips Will Help You Maintain Black Floor Tiles Shine

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Thu, 20 July 2017 9:35:05

These 5 Tips Will Help You Maintain Black Floor Tiles Shine

It is highly important to keep your house neat and clean and not just beautiful. Black and designer floor tiles look awesome, but you need to take a good care of it to keep it looking perfect and shiny. It is everyone dream to decorate their house with black floor tiles, but with that dream comes extra ordinary efforts.

1.Vinegar And Water

Try this method. Black tiles often get dull faster than other types of tiles. If the shine is lost, it can look awful. Add 1 cup of vinegar into a bucket of water and mop the floor with it regularly. It'll definitely help you achieve a shiny black floor.

2. Lemon And Water

Do you need to clean your floor faster, as you have guests coming in? Then, cut some lemons into halves and mix lemon juice into some water contained in a bucket. Now, mop your floor well. It not only brings back the shine, but also removes any scratch on the floor.

household tips,5 tips will help you maintain black floor tiles shine,tips to maintain tiles shine,tips to maintain floor shine

3. Fabric Softener And Water

Yes, you can try this method as well to make your black floor appear shiny. But, you can't leave the solution on the floor; otherwise, it will create irritating marks. Wring the mop head well and then mop the floor.

4. Seal Your Floor

Many interior decorators suggest this method. You can easily get rid of regular dirt and grime, and also you don't need to mop your floor regularly. A sealant can absorb oil and dust and keep your black floor shiny and clean.

5. Alcohol

You can also use rubbing alcohol to bring back the shine of the black ceramic-tiled floors. Make a solution of a bucket full of water and one tablespoon of rubbing alcohol. Mix it well and mop the floor with it. After that, you can dry your floor to avoid the water marks.

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