These 5 Uses Of Table Salt For Your Home Will Help You
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 18 July 2017 7:05:49
The most important ingredient of our daily life,Table Salt has ample of uses and benefits. You will not take even your favorite food if it is served without salt. This inexpensive and indispensable food seasoning has been with us since many years.
1. Shoe Odour
Shoe odour always embarrasses us. Just put a cloth bag full of table salt or sprinkle some salt into the shoe. Within two hours, be ready for a surprise!
2. Homemade Paints
Just mix a cup of flour with one cup of salt and water. Add a few drops of food colour into it this mixture. Your homemade paint is ready.
3. Fresh Fruits
One of the best uses of table salt is to keep fruit slices fresh. Sprinkle some salt onto the sliced fruits to keep it fresh without any discoloration.
4. Room Freshener
Take half a cup of table salt and add some rose petals or put around 30 drops of any essential oil. To make it more natural, place the salt mixture on a half-peeled orange.
5. Fire Extinguisher
Yes, salt can work as a fire extinguisher at some point of cooking, like while cooking greasy meals. To extinguish greasy fires, put some salt over it.