Chilli Potato

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 04 Mar 2017 1:10:43

Chilli Potato


5 Large Potatoes
5 tbsp Cornflour
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Vinegar
½ tsp Sugar
Salt to taste
Oil for frying
¼ tsp Ajinomoto
2 Capsicum (diced)
1 Large Onion (diced)
1tbsp Red Chili Powder
1 tbsp Garlic (chopped)
3-4 Green Chilies (slit sideways)


1. Boil the potatoes until just fork tender. Peel the potatoes and cut them into wedges.
    Coat the potato wedges with cornflour and deep fry until golden brown.
2. Heat 2tbsp of oil in a pan. Add garlic, onions and capsicum to the oil. Stir fry for 10-15 sec.
3. Add soy sauce, chili powder, salt, half-cup water, sugar and ajinomotto to the above. Stir it.
4. In a bowl, take 1tbsp cornflour and add a little water to it. Mix it well. Now, add this mixture to the above-made gravy.
5. Add vinegar, potatoes and green chili to the above. Mix well and cook it for another 2 minutes.
6. Chili Potato is ready to eat. Serve hot.

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