10 Corny Thing Couple In Love Always Do

By: Kratika Wed, 22 June 2022 7:44:51

10 Corny Thing Couple in Love Always Do

So what exactly does corny mean? Well, Urban Dictionary defines corny as, “Trying to be cool, but ultimately very uncool indeed, and often even extremely embarrassing.” It also defines corny as, “Something presented as fresh or original, but which is actually tired and/or lame, especially when its lameness derives from being obvious or done to death.” I suppose when it comes to this feature, corny is a marriage of the two definitions.

Also, in case you were wondering, Urban Dictionary relates corny to “lame, cheesy, stupid, tacky, stupid and whack.” This should give you an idea of how the general public perceives corniness.

corny thing couple in love always do,mates and me,relationship tips

# Wear matching t-shirts

Nothing screams corny more than matching couples’ t-shirts. No matter your style, there are a myriad of matching lovey dovey accessories to choose from. Of course, the digitally savvy kids are now opting for more creative options such as matching home screens and phone cases.

# Go public with it

In today’s day and age, posting sugary messages of love on your partner’s Facebook wall is the epitome of romantic corny. From sharing sickly sweet I-love-you posts to incessant wefie updates from yesterday’s date night, it’s high time you jumped on the social media bandwagon if you haven’t already done it.

# Use cheesy nicknames

From the conventional “honey” to the not-so-conventional “sweet lard,” every couple in love has a corny nickname for one another. For example, I call my partner “cheese stick” as he’s tall, blonde and thin. What do you call your lover?

# Quote a chick flick

From Jerry Maguire’s “You had me at hello,” to Gone With The Wind’s “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,” there are a myriad of chick-friendly movies out there worth quoting to your lover to get your point across. Bonus points if you quote a line from a movie you watched together.

corny thing couple in love always do,mates and me,relationship tips

# Feed each other

Ever been to a restaurant and felt nauseated just watching the couple at the next table spoon-feeding each other Tiramisu? Well, the next time you’re madly in love, give it a go. It may be horrible for others to watch but stuffing your partner’s face is nothing more than a sweet gesture of love.

# Start a love map

My partner and I love traveling. Sometimes we do it together, sometimes solo, sometimes with others. However, we make it a point to update what we call our “love map.” All you have to do is take a regular map, frame it up and mark the places that you have visited together.

# Exchange sweet nothings

From love notes to love emails to love whispers, nothing is cornier than being über dramatic when telling your partner that you love them. I always roll my eyes every time my fiancé makes a big deal about saying “I love you,” but as corny as it is, I appreciate it.

corny thing couple in love always do,mates and me,relationship tips

# Brag about them

I don’t mean bragging about your sweetheart when they’re not around. I mean proclaiming loud and proud how awesome they are in front of them and everyone else. An example is when you’re both out with friends and you tell everyone how great your partner is. You’ll be sure to get plenty of “how sweet!” and “awwwwwww” comments.

# Getting in costume

As overdone as this is, dressing up with your partner is a surefire way to rake up the corny points. Ideas include donning a French maid outfit and greeting your master after work, to dressing up in couples’ Halloween costumes.

# Sing along to terrible love songs

Singing together out loud to terrible love songs shouldn’t be restricted to just one time. It should be done loud and proud every day. Well, that’s my philosophy at least. From Michael Bolton’s ‘When a Man Loves a Woman’ to every Disney song ever composed, life is nothing if not filled with cheesy love tunes.

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