100 Tips To Make Your Life Meaningful

By: Kratika Thu, 24 Sept 2020 3:41:29

100 Tips To Make Your Life Meaningful

It is not enough that we live. We have to live a meaningful life so that during our last moments on earth, we would not regret anything. That means everything we do should have a purpose, and every decision we make must have a goal to reach.

Wealth, fame, and position do not guarantee a fulfilled life. It is being able to live out our purpose and contribute to others’ that will help us achieve it.

Here are 100 ways that can help you make your life more meaningful. Check them out and see which of these can be applied in some areas of your being.

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1. Find your purpose in life.
You are not an accident. Your existence has a purpose, and to find it you need to ask your Creator. Draw closer to Him.

2. Set short and long-term goals.

Examples of short-term goals are being able to finish reading one book this month and topping the class in the upcoming semester. Establishing your own business and keeping your body healthy and fit are considered long-term goals.

3. Create a timetable for your life goals.

Your goals need to be time-bounded so you will be pressured (in a good way) to work with a focus on achieving them.

4. Find good books that can help you explore.

There are many self-help and inspirational books that can give you wisdom about life and knowledge about the world. Read them to widen your ideas.

5. Take one step at a time.

So you can achieve each goal with focus, excellence, and less stress, do not try to do all things at once.

6. Live each day as if it is your last.
Thinking that today could be your last day on earth would drive you to give your best in what you do, savor each moment with loved ones, and stop wasting time on unimportant matters.

7. Always weigh your decisions.
To avoid, or at least minimize mistakes, weigh your options carefully before making a decision.

8. Write a diary or journal.
A diary or journal will help you track your progress and keep unforgettable moments remembered. When you get old, you will be thankful that you could revisit these memories.

9. Turn your experiences into blogs.
Use the lessons you have learned from past experiences to inspire others. Blogging is one of the fastest ways to do it these days.

10. Slow down and take time to appreciate life.

Do not allow pressure to keep you from savoring moments. No matter how busy you are, be mindful of the beauty around you and enjoy time with loved ones.

11. Take criticisms as a challenge to be better.
Do not let harsh comments from others discourage you. Use them as an inspiration to prove yourself better than what others think about you.

12. Evaluate your day before going to sleep.
Before going to sleep, take time to evaluate the positive and negative actions you have done during the day. Maintain or improve the good ones, and strive to change the bad ones.

13. Enhance your talents.
Unused talents will vanish over time. Therefore, give time to improve your God-given abilities and use them in serving others and God.

14. Create a bucket list of the things you want to do.

List down the activities that you dream of achieving before your last breath. Checking each one done would be fulfilling.

15. Be a risk-taker.
Do not let the fear of failures hinder you from trying big things. If you do not take risks, you will have a lot of ‘what if’s’ someday.

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16. Do not regret anything.
Mistakes are part of growing up. They help shape you to be who you are, so do not regret taking risks.

17. Release forgiveness.
Whenever someone hurts you, be willing to forgive so you would not be stuck in grudge and the past.

18. Challenge yourself to try greater things.
Do not be content with average success. Aim higher goals so you can stretch your limits.

19. Dedicate your life to God.

If you believe God is your creator, then nothing would be more meaningful than dedicating what and who you are to Him.

20. Spend time with God daily.
A daily devotion or Quiet Time with God helps you know Him more and understand His will for your life better. His plans for you are the best.

21. Put family first before career and friends.
Your job and dreams are important, but your family is more important. Your friends may stick with you when you are down, but it is your family that will surely stay with you until the end.

22. Eat meals with them as much as possible.

Sometimes the only time we can sit with our family is during meal time. That is why make it a habit for your family to eat at least one meal together each day.

23. Visit and give time to your grandparents.

Most old people are lonely because their family members are busy with their jobs. Take time to visit or sit down with your grandmother and/or grandfather and listen to their stories patiently.

24. Read bedtime stories to your kids.

Reading bedtime stories to them is not just a good way to bond with them, but this allows you to impart lessons and help them develop their imagination.

25. Check on your siblings once in a while.

You may be adults and have separate lives already but you and your siblings should maintain a strong tie. Always set time to visit or at least call them.

26. Pray together with your family.

“A family that prays together, stays together.” Keep your family strong in faith so you will be altogether stronger when facing difficulties.

27. Initiate a family devotion.
Do not just pray together, but also start a habit of gathering together and sharing daily scripture as a family.

28. Date your parents.
No matter how busy you are, make time for your parents. You can take them out to a spa or dinner date once in a while.

29. Bond with your siblings.

Plan a holiday trip with them, or you can go on a movie date. You can also plan a surprise for your parents altogether.

30. Serve your family.
Not all the time you can be with your family. Cook them their favorite food. Make them coffee. Do their laundry.

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31. Volunteer to clean the house.
If your family members are busy, take a weekend to do general cleaning of your house. This is another way of serving them.

32. Encourage your family to have a healthy lifestyle.

Make it a mission to keep your family from illnesses. Encourage them to eat fresh, healthy food and avoid unhealthy ones like canned goods and junk food. Initiate regular exercise as well.

33. Take a holiday trip with them.
Make it a family goal to travel to one of your dream holiday destinations. That is the ultimate bonding.

34. Take time to know your relatives.
It would be fun connecting with your distant cousins or great grandaunts. You can search them up on Facebook and later on pay a visit if you like.

35. Organize a clan reunion.

Help your parents get together with their siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins. This is also a way for you to meet your other relatives.

36. Give them practical presents.

When you give Birthday or Christmas gifts to your family members, pick items that will be of big use to them. You can help them in a way.

37. Make the most of your time with them.
Do not take for granted the moments you are with your family members. Express your love to them and create good memories while you are still together.

38. Set a regular date with your spouse.
You still have to date even if you have been married for a long time. Have a quality time as a couple even just once a week. This will help preserve your marriage.

39. Set at least 30 minutes a day for each of your kids.
No matter how busy you are, see to it that you make time for your children every day. Spend at least 30 minutes with each of them daily. You can help them do their homework, watch TV together, or go with them to their favorite ice cream parlor.

40. Be a role model of compassion to your children.
Teach your kids to be a giver and helpful to those who are needy. The best way to do this is by showing them do it.

41. Find one homeless person to give food in a day.

It does not have to be an expensive food. Even a piece of bread could mean a lot to one hungry person.

42. Encourage out of school youth to get back to school.
If you know someone who has dropped out of school, encourage him/her to enroll again and finish his/her studies. You can help improve that person’s life.

43. Conduct a free reading tutorial for kids in a poverty-stricken area.
With the help of volunteer teachers, you can conduct a free remedial reading class for children in a poor community.

44. Take time to talk to an old person.
It may be your grandparent, the old lady next door, or the old man asking for coins at the street corner. Many elderlies are lonely because no one wants to waste time listening to the stories they keep repeating.

45. Volunteer in an orphanage or home for the aged.
Spend a day or two in an orphanage or home for the aged. Serve these children or grannies and make them feel valued.

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46. Give someone a sticky note of encouragement or appreciation each day.
This may be a small thing but it could mean a lot to a friend, colleague, or family member.

47. Donate old but still in good condition clothes to the needy ones.
Even without money you can still be a generous giver and bless people in need.

48. Adopt a student.
If you have the means, choose one student to support. You can pledge a certain amount for a duration, which can be a big help.

49. Help someone find a job.
If you know someone looking for a job and you have friends with businesses or you have connections in certain companies, you can recommend him/her.

50. Create a business so you can give others job.
Having your own business would not only make you rich. With it, you can create job opportunities for others.

51. Commit to pray for other people.
Even if you have nothing to give or you are far away, you can still help someone through fervent prayers. They are powerful.

52. Take time to visit the sick.

If you know someone in the hospital, make time to visit that person. Your visitation could help him/her feel better.

53. Treat someone to lunch today.
If you have extra money, find a colleague or friend to spend time with over lunch.

54. Give chocolates or small tokens to people you value.
Small presents like these can show your appreciation to these people. They do not have to be much.

55. Put the interests of others before yours.
When making a decision, may it be individual or group, do not insist on what you want. Instead, consider what could benefit more people.

56. Approach and make friends with loners.
If you see people who are usually alone, try to approach and show kindness to them. They could be going through tough times and you could be the only person who shows care.

57. Cheer up someone with low self-confidence.
Help others gain confidence speaking their minds or facing the crowd by cheering and assuring them they are doing good.

58. Offer help to someone in need.
Have the initiative to ask someone what you could do to help.

59. Make a list of people to call or message for each day.
Keep in touch with all your loved ones—family or friends—by scheduling each of them for a message or call. Just make sure to do it when it is not a busy hour.

60. Appreciate people.
Be generous with compliments. Make it a habit to appreciate people even for small things.

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61. Be a role model for using the pedestrian lane.
Even when no one is watching, or you are in a hurry, always use the pedestrian lane when crossing streets. This example can help save lives.

62. Teach the young ones to throw trash in the trash bin.
When you see a kid or teen throwing trash just anywhere, gently tell him/her to pick it up and throw it in the trash bin. Be a model in this as well.

63. Participate in Clean and Green programs.
Surely, your community has at least one project that aims to maintain the cleanliness of your place. Be involved in tree planting activities and such programs.

64. Teach others how to care for animals and pets.

Even through casual conversations, share with pet owners how they can take care of their pets properly. Be an active advocate of animal rights too.

65. Coordinate with schools and conduct a seminar about depression.

Help prevent suicides especially among teenagers by helping organizing seminars about depression awareness and counseling.

66. Connect with an organization to conduct free livelihood training.

You can tap your local trade and livelihood authority or an organization promoting technical-vocational skills to conduct a free livelihood training for jobless people in your area.

67. Be a part of a prison ministry.
Even if they are behind bars, these inmates deserve a second chance at life. Participate in prison ministries which provide counseling, Bible studies, gift-giving, and vocational skill training for jailbirds.

68. Join a gift-giving program for the kids.

During Christmas season, you can collaborate with your friends or colleagues to collect toys, books, clothes, and school supplies that you can donate to an orphanage or a village.

69. Participate a donation project for a calamity-stricken area.

Donate old clothes, blankets, pillows, canned goods, and other things that are badly needed in a place devastated by a typhoon, war, or an earthquake.

70. Be an advocate of a healthy lifestyle.

Invite your family and friends to a Zumba lesson or to work out in the gym. Share with them the importance of eating more of veggies and fruits and less or processed meat and junk food.

71. Create a documentary about a certain place or sector that needs the government’s attention.
If you are into film-making, shooting a short documentary film about a specific social problem in your community can help create awareness and stir actions.

72. Be a model for wearing a seatbelt.

Even if there is no checkpoint, wear a seatbelt whenever you are in your car especially if your family or other people are with you. You need to remind them the importance of safety measures.

73. Vote wisely during elections.

Use your voting right to contribute change in your society. Choose candidates that are known for actions, not just words.

74. Be a poll watcher during the election.

Help prevent election anomalies by being a volunteer poll watcher during the election.

75. Participate in campaigns against vote-buying.

Join campaigns that aim to educate the youth and adult voters about the terrible results of vote-buying. Encourage them to be vigilant against this social illness too.

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76. Use the social media to spread awareness about relevant social issues.
Instead of posting selfies and other nonsense status updates, use the social media to inform about social problems and other beneficial posts.

77. Help organize a job fair.
You can join or initiate a group that can tap companies to participate in a job fair to help jobless individuals in your community find work.

78. Organize personal-development seminars.
Some applicants find it hard to land a job because they lack ‘pleasing personality’. You can coordinate with campus organizations from different schools that can host a seminar about job interviews and increase their hireability.

79. Join medical missions.
If you are a health worker, then you can participate in medical missions organized by the government or NGO’s.

80. Join a non-governmental organization that has the same vision as you.
There are many NGO’s that cater to different societal needs. Look for one that shares your interest so you can serve others with joy.

81. Find a job you love.
Look for a job that is aligned with your passion. This way you can enjoy working.

82. If you can’t find a job you love, then love your job.
Your job is your bread and butter, so you must learn to be grateful for it. Stop complaining and look at the positive side of your position.

83. Always pursue excellence.
The quality of your outputs reflects your capabilities as a person. Rise above mediocrity.

84. Be a role model at work.
Give your best; do not complain; come early; do not gossip in the office; and work with honesty. Set an example.

85. Use your job to help or serve others.
Do not just come to work to earn money. Do your job as a way of serving not only your boss but your company’s clients too.

86. Create genuine friendships in your workplace.
Treat your colleagues nicely. Do not gossip against anyone. Smile and greet them often. Share your snacks.

87. Be a good follower to your leader.
Even if you think you are more intelligent than your boss, you cannot bypass his/her authority and follow your ‘better’ plan. You may give suggestions, but at the end, it is his/her decision that you need to obey.

88. Be thankful for humble beginnings
Do not feel bad that you start at the lowest position in the company. Be grateful for the job, do your best, and let your good performance take you higher.

89. Do not complain about how hard your work is.

No job is easy, but it is harder to have no income. That is why stop grumbling, and just focus on how you can accomplish your tasks.

90. Stop saying bad things about your boss.

No matter how much you dislike your employer, it is still not right to badmouth him/her. That is ingratitude.

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91. Be an early bird.
Always come early so you will not be late and get reprimanded. You can finish more tasks for the day and avoid piling up of paperwork.

92. Study further while you work.
If you want to get promoted, you need to get a higher education. If your health, finances, and time permit, pursue a college or post-graduate degree.

93. Attend training and seminars.

The certificates you get from training and seminars are not only additions to your credentials. They are also proofs that you keep growing as a professional.

94. Be teachable and humble.
Do not get insulted whenever your boss or colleague tries to correct your work. Be humble to admit mistakes and be open to suggestions and corrections.

95. Put your heart in what you do.
Do not do your tasks only for the sake of finishing them. Work on them with the passion to accomplish excellent and accurate outputs.

96. Train others to be better than you.
Being able to produce successors who exceed your accomplishments tells you are a good teacher. It is okay if they surpass you—they are your legacy.

97. Work with integrity.

Do not compromise your honesty at work even when colleagues do. Whether it is about time or money, do not tolerate corruption.

98. Do not compete with anyone but yourself.
Compete with your old self, not with your workmates. Focus on being the best of yourself, not being the best in your workplace.

99. Help your colleagues even when it is not your job.
When you see your co-worker needing help with his/her tasks and you are done with yours, initiate to offer help. Do it even if you will not earn more from it.

100. Offer your work to God.
Work as if you are working for the Lord, not for your boss, and it will motivate you to give your best.

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