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11 Relationship Facts That Will Change The Way You See Love

By: Kratika Mon, 14 Feb 2022 6:17:52

11 Relationship Facts That Will Change The Way You See Love

It’s true… relationships are hard and love is confusing, but it’s all completely worth it. We’re fed a completely false narrative of relationship facts by what we see on TV and Hollywood blockbusters. Everything just falls into place and the loving couple have their happy ever after.

It doesn’t always work that way, but it doesn’t mean love’s a waste of time either. Learn the relationship facts to live your love life by and side-step the potential disappointment of having lofty ideals in matters of the heart.

Relationships are hard work. They look like they shouldn’t be. They look like they should be super-easy in many ways. Then, when you try it for yourself, it’s downright hard. Confusion, misunderstandings, upsets, hurt, anger, love, passion. These things all swirl together into one huge concoction that has the power to mess with your mind and leave you unsure which way is up.

facts that will change the way you see love,relationship tips,mates and me

# A relationship will not complete you

Many people assume that when they meet The One, they’re meeting the other half of their soul. Therefore, making them complete. Reality check: you are already complete as the person you are.

When you meet someone, they enhance your life, not complete it. With that mindset shift, you’re far more likely to meet a good match and not someone who make false promises that you believe out of fictional ideas.

# Unfortunately, not all relationships work

Again, in movies and TV shows, you see people breaking up, then they figure out that they’re meant to be and get back together in some dramatic turn of events. Truthfully, not all relationships last. It can also be the case for couples that look really ‘together’.

One of the most important relationship facts is that you have no idea what tomorrow will bring. As terrifying as that is, it’s also thrilling. Truly live in the moment and enjoy it.

# Trust is vital

We’re told that it’s all about passion and everlasting love but none of that is going to work without trust. That’s one of the biggest relationship facts you need to know. If you don’t trust your partner, there’s no point in being together. Your time will be utterly miserable.

Work on anything you need to work on, trust your instincts, but don’t point the finger of blame unnecessarily and without proof. Trust needs to be earned, and it’s not always a quick process.

# As is communication

Another vital ingredient in the relationship recipe is communication. Couples who can’t communicate are doomed to fail because one partner will always be missing what they need or want. You’re also not unable to work out any problems you have. Issues will fester and cause oozing wounds to develop. A rather disgusting analogy, but a true one all the same.

facts that will change the way you see love,relationship tips,mates and me

# Don’t expect it to be like the films

Of all the relationship facts to know, remember this one at all costs… relationships are nothing like you see in films and on TV. They’re glossed over and never show one partner looking terrible and the other in a seriously bad mood. Relationships aren’t glamorous, they’re real life. It means you’ll see each other in your worst states and still love one another regardless.

# Sex will become less and less, but that’s okay

If you think that you’re going to be jumping each other’s bones all the time until the day you die, you’re sadly mistaken. As you get to know each other and become comfortable with each other, and time passes by, sex will become less frequent.

Don’t panic! This is very normal. You’ll find that the initial ‘can’t keep your hands off each other’ phase is replaced by something more loving.

# Relationships take time

I totally get why you want to rush past that confusing ‘are we/aren’t we’ stage and get into the actual relationship side of things. But, rushing could doom your union. Take your time, let things evolve naturally. As much as possible, go with the flow.

It’s one of the most important relationship facts to know because by rushing things, you’re at risk of damaging something which could have turned out to be great.

# You can’t take your baggage into a new relationship

We all have a little baggage, whether we realize it or not. However, if we’re talking about relationship facts, this is one of the most vital: never take your baggage from an old relationship into a new one. Whatever happened to you in the past isn’t your new partner’s fault. They aren’t necessarily going to repeat the patterns of your ex.

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