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- 11 Things In A Man That Make Woman Go Mad For Them
11 Things In A Man That Make Woman Go Mad For Them
By: Kratika Maheshwari Fri, 01 Jan 2021 2:04:51
You could be on the receiving end of a makeout session like this with the right knowledge!
It's no secret that both men and women find the other to be a puzzle that we just can't seem to figure out. We keep guessing and hoping that we will have some luck along the way. One thing many men find themselves trying to figure out at one time or another is what kind I do to be attractive to women? How can I make them fall for me? What is the way to make a girl hot for me? There are many men out there who miss the answer to these questions by miles. I am here to make this just a little bit easier for you by telling you 11 things that will make a woman melt for you!
# An Attractive Man is a Man with Purpose in His Life
A woman loves a guy who knows what direction his life is going in. A man without direction who just wanders aimlessly through life will begin to grate on a girl's nerves. When you have no purpose or direction we begin to feel more like a mentor or teacher than a girlfriend or wife. We don't want to be a teacher. We want someone who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go for it. There is nothing more attractive than a man going after his purpose in life.
# An Attractive Man is a Man On His Own
Nothing will turn a woman off faster than a man living in his parent's basement. This is a real buzz kill and it shows a woman she can't rely on you. I am not saying that aren't exceptions to the rule, but in general, a man that relies on mommy and daddy to get by just isn't cute. It is the opposite of cute. This will quickly repel the majority of women.
# A Woman Wants a Man that is Driven
If you are one of those lazy guys that are content to just barely get by in life good luck getting a woman to stick around. We may hang around for a little bit but when it becomes clear that just enough is all you can manage to do then eventually she'll move on. We want a man that has big goals and has a game plan to tackle those big goals. A man with the drive to acheive those big goals in life is physically attractive to a woman. A man just skating by is well just begging for us to leave.
# A Woman Loves a Guy that Can and Will Cook
The old phrase the way to man's heart is his stomach is totally reversible!
As a married woman let me tell you one of the most attractive things about my guy when we were dating was the fact that he could cook. Not only that but he wanted to cook. I hate cooking and am not good at cooking and one of the things I fell in love with, one of the things that had me head over heels was the fact he could cook. This had me bragging about him to all my girlfriends and my girlfriends were a little jealous. You may have heard the phrase the way to a man's heart is his stomach, but let me tell you a guy who cooks for his woman is flat out sexy!
# Nothing More Physically Attractive than A Man Who is Willing to Clean the House
It's time to kill those stereotypes that say a man earns the bacon and the woman takes care of the house. There is nothing more annoying than a guy who won't pick up a broom or load the dishwasher. You want a woman to melt for you, show her that you are equal partners in the household and that you can and will clean the house. If you sit around playing video games while she slaves away cleaning the house it will create nothing, but anger and frustration. When you do clean don't expect a round of applause unless you plan to do the same for her every time she cleans something. Doing the laundry doesn't earn you praise. It lets her know you care and appreciate her. You want her to find you cute, attractive, sexy, and handsome than learn how to clean!
# A Man That Can Keep A Budget is Sexy
Let's face it no one really enjoys making a budget and trying to keep it. It's just a buzz kill. Unfortunately finding a girl that enjoys crunching the numbers is hard to find. Most girls grew up thinking that math isn't a girl thing and we have ways to go before that turns around. So if you want her to be attracted to you take charge and put the budget together. That being said this doesn't mean she doesn't get a say. It means you do the hard part of balancing the checkbook and paying the bills. Keep her informed and make any big money decisions together. Doing this you let her know you are responsible, that you trust her, and that you value her input too. When we feel valued you will be that much more attractive and sexy to your woman.
# A Woman Wants A Man That Can Defend Himself
This doesn't mean that the woman wants to be some helpless damsel in distress. In fact, many women can defend themselves quite well. This means we don't want a push-over. If you were to get in a bad situation we want to know that you will come out in one piece. If we are in a dangerous situation that is too much for us to handle we want to know that you would be able to do something about it. We want a man that can defend himself but knows when to walk away and diffuse the situation. A man that can not only defend himself physically but can get himself out of the situation with the words as the first option. We don't need a muscle head that can't think clearly. We need a man that can keep a cool head and try and diffuse tense situations before it gets to physical violence. Besides we don't want that cute face getting messed up!
# A Man That is Handy Around the House is Definitely Attractive
I am not saying there aren't women who aren't handy. In fact, my mother is quite handy and can fix a great many things. In fact, I myself have taken a TV apart and put it back together successfully. But there are a great many situations that myself and other woman are hopeless at figuring out when it comes to repairs. It's nice to have a man that can reach that broken lightbulb in the kitchen and get it out without much fuss. It is nice to have a guy that can fix a broken door frame or even a guy to kill all the creepy spiders in the house. Besides seeing a man with his tools and fixing something around the house can be a real turn on.
# Woman Finds a Good Tasteful Sense of Humor Attractive
A good sense of humor is so important. It needs to mesh with our sense of humor and it helps if it isn't rude or crude. Unless you found yourself a woman who likes rude and crude. Most woman don't like jokes that belittle or demean a person or group of people. This is just distasteful, but a good tasteful joke is adorable and we love it!
# A Man Who is a Good Father is down right Sexy
We want a real man that is ready to step up and be a the Father their children or our children need!
A man that doesn't throw up silly excuses or try and get out of fatherhood but instead embraces when it comes charging into their life is so attractive in a guy. It seems immature guys who run away from responsibility are becoming the norm. It seems every day you hear a story about how some guy refused to step and be a father. If you want to stand out and want women to fall for you don't be afraid to step up when this opportunity comes busting its way into your life. Planned or not. A man that takes a moment to freak out or be happy whatever the scenario but then owns it and does what he has to do is dang irrestible!
# A Little Humility Goes A Long Way
I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see a man who is actually humble. Have you ever been around someone that seems obsessed with themselves? These are the people you can only take in small doses because you can definitely have too much. The last thing you want is for a woman to get sick and tired of hanging out with you. If we can't enjoy your company because all you can do is talk about you we will go looking for someone else who can think of other people who aren't themselves. A humble man that isn't always seeking credit, who doesn't brag, and may even let someone else occasionally take credit for something they did can be one attractive quality in a man. We don't want you to be a doormat, but we don't want you to be obsessed with yourself either. A nice balance is sexy.