20 Weird Yet True Psychological Facts About Love

By: Kratika Mon, 23 May 2022 2:48:06

20 Weird Yet True Psychological Facts About Love

Learning more about love, its origin, and how it affects so many parts of life can not only remind us of how lucky we are but also how much we still have to learn. Things like the psychological facts about love.

Love isn’t this magical feeling that is unexplainable. It isn’t just for romantic relationships. Love is shared between friends and family. Love is something that benefits you. It is shared between animals.

Psychology is the science of the mind and behavior. It is rigorously studied and tested. It studies both the conscious and unconscious and has a varied scope of focus.

These psychological facts about love have been researched. These are not myths or assumptions. These are scientific facts about love to give you hope, make you smile, or inspire you to think.

weird yet true psychological facts about love,mates and me,relationship tips

# Love and lust are not the same

Love is fueled by emotions. Lust is fueled by motivation to receive a reward rather than the empathy that comes with love.

# Love can be brief

We always think of love as eternal, but it can be both. Love can be fleeting. You can be in love with someone for days. Love can be a lasting state, but also momentary.

# Love is not all you need

It is nice to say that love is enough to make a relationship last, but that just isn’t true. Couples who still feel love for each other can end up apart due to so many other circumstances and factors.

# We can love more

You may think you are only worthy of so much love because of what you can give. With things like meditation and self-love, you can learn how to love more fully. Practice of these positive thoughts can help you gain the capacity for empathy and reduce feelings like fear.

# You cannot run out of love

Love does not have a limit. You do not have 100% of love and must divide that amongst the people in your life. Just because you love one person does not take away from the love you have for another. Love is cared for with emotional engagement, focus, and actions.

# Love is not unconditional

We often hear the term unconditional love. That means your love remains no matter what, but one of the requirements for love is safety. Another is trust. This is why trauma can prevent us from forming deep emotional connections without the proper care and therapy.

# We can enhance love

Take action and make love a priority and it can improve the effects it has on us. Expressing your love results in positive feelings for the person sharing and the person receiving.

# Love is not just in your mind

Love is not just something you think. It is seen throughout your body. A lack of love can have as much of a negative impact on our life as smoking.

# Marriage improves long-term health

Those who are married live longer and healthier lives than those who are single. And even after losing a spouse, it shortens the life expectancy of the person left behind.

# People in love can synchronize their hearts

Studies show people in love can sync up their heart rates by making eye contact for three minutes.

weird yet true psychological facts about love,mates and me,relationship tips

# Cuddling feels so good for a reason

When you are cuddling with someone, even if you’re in a strange position, there is a reason it feels so amazing. Cuddling releases a hormone called oxytocin which is referred to as the fuzzy hormone. It is even being tested as an anti-anxiety drug.

# Your heart can break, literally

Our emotions are so intense that enduring something traumatic like divorce, death of a loved one, or betrayal can actually break your heart.

# Love is contagious

Just as smiling at someone encourages them to smile, expressing love inspires those feelings from others.

# Love changes

When you fall in love with someone new, it incites those feelings of excitement. You get butterflies. But over time, that love morphs into committed love that comes with feelings of security and comfort.

# Timing effects love

Studies show that people are more likely to fall in love when they are seeking adventure, are lonely, adjusting to change, or psychologically or financially prepared for a family.

# Falling in love makes you calm

The act of falling in love gives you a calming effect that actually aids in your growth.

# Butterflies are real

The feeling of butterflies you get when you see someone new isn’t just in your mind. It is an adrenaline rush caused by your body’s realization that you are taking a risk by falling in love.

# Men are attracted to red

Studies are consistent in the fact that a man is more likely to engage in deep conversation with a woman wearing red.

# Kissing is good for you

Men who kiss their wives every morning often live up to five years longer.

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