3 Signs That Tell You Are With Your Mr.Right

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 20 May 2017 12:08:53

3 Signs That Tell You are With Your Mr.Right

Every relationship goes through good and bad phase in their time. And those ups and downs are very much needed to keep the relation intact. But, how greatly you manage your rise and fall is all that matters in your relationship. Every girl, in her relationship phase tries to test his love for her. And if you find these traits in him, then Girl, he is the perfect one for you.

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1. Attentive
Having a partner who notices what you need or want in a given moment and responds accordingly bodes well for the long-term potential of your relationship.

2. Affectionate
Generally speaking, couples who are more physically affectionate with one another tend to be more satisfied with their partners and their relationships—which makes sense, as individuals tend to feel more cared for and understood when their partners show physical affection.

3. Conflicts
In healthy relationships, each partner responds to conflict in a caring and supportive manner. “If they listen to what you’re saying, respect where you’re coming from, and respond to your disclosures by sharing their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences (without making the conversation all about them), then intimacy is more likely to flourish.

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