4 Ways To Keep The Sex Game On

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 02 June 2017 4:08:30

4 Ways to Keep the Sex Game On

Both men and women have a different level of sex drives. women who have lower libidos often face a stigma for not being able to just flip a switch and get instantly turned on. So here are few ways to keep your sex desire as high as your partner is.

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1. Working up a sweat is a guaranteed way to boost your sex drive. whether you take a yoga or Pilates class, spin your way through an hour at SoulCycle, or kick some ass in a boxing class, you’ll be connecting to your body. That helps you feel more comfortable and confident in the bedroom too, so you can spend more time thinking about how much fun you’re having, and less time worrying about what your thighs look like.

2. Focusing on foods that are pleasurable or sensual to eat, like figs or peaches (spaghetti is probably out). Chocolate and oysters, the two most famous aphrodisiacs, are still fair game, depending on your own tastes.

3. Stress and anxiety are the biggest sex drive killers. When you’re feeling stressed out, it’s extremely difficult to get aroused.

4. Try to have sex first thing when you’re both home. It may feel a little forced or even unromantic, but putting sex before your work emails or Netflix queue speaks volumes.

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