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- 5 Biggest Reasons Why A Baby Trap Is Not The Answer
5 Biggest Reasons Why A Baby Trap Is Not The Answer
By: Kratika Thu, 07 Oct 2021 3:45:18
A baby trap is when a woman intentionally tries to become pregnant simply to maintain her current relationship with a man. Or to hold on to a guy when their relationship is rocky or they feel insecure. In some rather worrying situations, to make sure that a guy chooses her over another woman she sees as a threat.
You might read that, shake your head, and wonder why women would even attempt this type of tactic. But you’d be amazed at the number who do. You know what they say, love makes you do crazy things. This is certainly up there with the craziest of ideas.
# You shouldn’t involve a baby in your relationship problems
Anyone with a child will tell you that a BandAid baby, i.e. a baby born to save the relationship, rarely works. So, why would you want to involve an innocent baby in your underhanded tactics?
If a guy wants to be kept, believe me, he will be. Also, if he wants to leave, he will do so whether a baby is involved or not. You can’t force someone to be where they don’t want to be. You shouldn’t want to do so either.
# It’s very possible you’ll get found out
Depending upon the situation, it’s quite likely that the guy in your life will suspect what you’ve done. If you find yourself pregnant, you might be on your own. Sure, a woman can raise a child alone, but do you really want that? I’m guessing not, considering your sole reason for getting pregnant in the first place was to salvage a relationship or keep a guy by your side.
As before, you cannot keep a guy where he doesn’t want to be, and it’s far better for him to choose to be by your side willingly than for you to attempt to force him. He’ll resent you forever if he finds out what you’ve done.
# You’ll never know how he truly feels about you
If your relationship is rocky to begin with and you intentionally become pregnant to solidify the union, how can you ever be sure whether he stuck around for you?
Don’t you want to feel like you’ve been chosen for who you are *and not because you’re pregnant!*? You deserve that! A baby trap isn’t the way to feel secure or happy. Yes, you will have a child that will always love you and who you will always love. Wouldn’t you rather that happen naturally, when it’s something you both want?
# If you’re doing it to stop him choosing another woman, how will you feel if he still chooses her?
Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants, and nothing will change its mind. If your guy is stuck between you and another woman. Maybe you’re not actually with him properly and he’s kind of seeing you both *shady, yes, but possible* then trying to baby trap him isn’t the right route.
Why? Because he might still choose the other woman and leave you co-parenting for the rest of your life. It’s not the right way to get someone to choose you. Quite frankly, you should never have to force the issue.
# Having a baby is HARD
You might think that getting pregnant will get the man. Maybe it will. Have you given any though to what comes afterwards? The sleepless nights, the messy diapers, the tantrums, and the problems? Yes, a baby is a wonderful thing but when conceived in love and at the right time in life, no matter what your situation.
It’s not a good thing to bring a baby into the world if you’ve given zero thought to how hard it’s actually going to be. It might also break your relationship after the baby is born. This has happened to countless couples before. The reason? Because it’s seriously hard work being a parent.