5 Reasons Why Teen Fights With Their Parents

By: Sandeep Wed, 08 Jan 2020 11:36:28

5 Reasons Why Teen Fights With Their Parents

temperament? Forsooth, if you are in your teens. You are presumably a fragment of the teenage fleet if you love flaunting time with people who for you understand you pretty well. A palpable and barefaced exemplar are your friends.

As a teenager, children have the propensity of trust and understanding for their amigos and com padres rather than for their parents. Parents then are ratified and attested to be their worst adversary and antagonist.

# Generation discrepancy and dissimilitude

This is perhaps the vernacular and ubiquitous reasons given by the teens for their argument with their parents. what teens want to justify is that there is a lot of disparity and mere kindred notions and opinions between their generations. Parents in a way want to discipline the lives of their bairns, but end up mirroring themselves as the foes of the latter. this catalyzes arguments among the parents and their younglings.

# Friends for life

For teenagers friends are forever. The Facebook walls are jammed with lovey-dovey posts of amity and friendship. “Friends forever”, “BFF”, “Long live our friendship” and chunks of more phrases. The argument of experience of life hovers up between the originator and the offspring. Trust betides as a crux of the altercation because for the teen’s friends are for life and there is no cogent of doubt that springs up, it is blind faith that conceals everything. parents from their experience incite suspect to their belief which rankles their offspring resulting in an unaided argument.

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# Independence

Teenagers regard independence to be their foremost requisite but at the same time are scared of their own independence. it is the trepidation of the parents which forbids and prohibits them from crossing the bars. They feel apoplectic staying back at home or even carry along with their parents. They desire for a life exempt and facility. This fear of being independent infuriates them and bombs into an argument where they are drawn away from certain spheres of the franchise in order to trod over the right path.

# Fashion

The expectation of the type of dress worn by a teenager is a keynote of an argument. The informal kind of dress that attracts them is objectionable to the others. teens are expected to follow a certain code of decorum as expected by the society, the formal kind of dress code which is a generalized pattern to show up. The argument of the interference of society in the generic lives of people becomes a subject of irate and fuming anger among the teen fleet. They demand the liberty to dress up in a way that they crave for. this generally sums into an argument because of the diversified thoughts that prevail.

# Decision-making

The appetency to make their own decisions make them seemingly incongruous. They want to be treated as grown up which involves the task of their own decision making which is not apt at a particular time because it is the urge of being seen as an adult but they actually are not. they are in a process of moving towards maturity. For them, their own decisions are considerate enough unlike their parents. At this particular point of time, their parents are their biggest foes because they bar them from their desired freedom and liberty. Teens expect their parents to understand their point of view which is entirely different. Nothing satiates them, nothing seems right. they feel the world is against them, they are lonely and the only support they have is either their friends or they themselves.

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