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5 Tested Ideas To Maintain A Happy Relation With Your In-Laws

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Mon, 26 June 2017 1:19:20

5 Tested Ideas To Maintain a Happy Relation With Your In-Laws

Once you get hitched, you get more than a new spouse. Along with your significant other comes their whole family, and although you may not see yourself being besties with your partner's parents, there are ways to improve your relationship with your in-laws.

Whether it's a close knit bond you desire or just an amicable relationship that gets you through the holiday, putting an effort into making the most of your interactions with your in-laws shows that you care. These gestures will not only show your spouse that you are trying, but may just help you form a meaningful relationship with your in-law family.

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1. Getting to know your in-laws better may help you to find some common ground to build on. Try to engage in conversation with them at times other than holidays.

2. Sometimes the in-laws don't want to follow your rules, particularly when those in-laws are also grandparents. Grandparents like to spoil, so that popsicle before bed may not be as big of a deal as you think, if it only happens twice a year when the grandparents come to visit.

3. All families operate differently, and there's no instruction manual on the "right" way to do things. Staying open to new traditions and family dynamics will help you better understand your in-laws.

4. If you already don't love quality time with the in-laws, the thought of more might send you over the edge. But consider what's known as "the mere exposure effect.

5. To keep clear boundaries in in-law relationships, don't ask them to choose sides during squabbles. Try to solve issues with other family members (such as your spouse and their siblings) without involving your in-laws.

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