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5 Things To Do When You Start Asking Yourself "Should I Text Him First"
By: Kratika Fri, 12 Nov 2021 2:34:58
I know that I’ve lain awake for hours at night deciphering this very question: Should I text him first? Or should I wait for him to text me? These questions would haunt me for a really long time after a great night or after I had just exchanged numbers with someone.
The truth is that this question comes mostly from insecurity and what society has told us is the right way to approach this type of situation. Society has a very strict set of “rules” that we should all follow in order to “get the guy.”
But you know what, society’s rules can bite me. Why is it that you have to wait a certain amount of hours or days before texting someone after having had a great date? I say that you should text him when you want to text him, and to hell with all the people who say otherwise.
# Take a chill pill
Before you make any decisions, you need to relax for a minute. Having a new potential significant other can have your nerves going crazy. And those nerves can cause you to do things that you normally wouldn’t… like texting him a ridiculously long message that makes you seem needy, desperate, and, worst of all, annoying.
So just relax a little bit and let your nerves settle down before continuing with your decision to text him or not.
# Decipher how long it’s been
Texting a guy right after you’ve walked in your door after your date can seem really needy and desperate, two of the worst things that you can be after starting a new fling. So you have to decide just how long it’s really been since you’ve talked to him.
If it’s only been a day, wait it out and see if he’ll text you. If it’s been a couple of days and you’re genuinely curious as to what he’s been up to, shoot him an engaging text that will pique his interest and spark a conversation.
# Get a friend’s opinion
You can be a bit biased when it comes to someone new on the horizon. Try to get your friend’s opinion on whether or not it’s too soon to text him. She’ll most likely give you an unbiased answer, and it always helps to have a clear-thinking person in your corner.
# Ask yourself if you’re being needy
Neediness is a terrible trait to bring to a relationship from the get-go. So before you send that text, ask yourself if it’s going to make you seem needy. Would you be annoyed if someone texted you as quickly as you want to text him? If the answer is yes, don’t text him yet.
# Ask someone else if you’re being needy
You’re going to try your very best to justify any reason that you can come up with to text someone you really like. This is why you need a friend to give you a second opinion. If they can spot the neediness a mile away, guess what? So can he!