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7 Major Reasons Why Do Guys Pull Away Before They Commit

By: Kratika Maheshwari Mon, 11 Oct 2021 11:39:56

7 Major Reasons Why Do Guys  Pull Away Before They Commit

I can hear my parents talking about relationships; when I was your age, I was already married with children! When you liked a girl, you just made a move, and that was that. Ah, yes, the good old days. As someone who was in the dating world, I sometimes was left wondering why do guys pull away before they commit? I never understood why!

Most women have experienced this hot and cold behavior *though, we’re no angels either when it comes to this*. I remember when I was seeing one guy, he drove me home after my birthday party, and never contacted me again *well, he did… six months later*.

reasons why do guys  pull away before they commit,commitment,mates and me,relationship tips

# He’s not that into you

Sure, you may have had sex and acted like a couple, but at the end of the day, he wasn’t that into you. I know, it’s really harsh, but it’s usually the reason why men pull away right before they need to take the next step. They didn’t expect to get serious with you. Now they think the only way out is to disappear. Not the most mature move, fellas.

# He changed his mind

This happens to all of us. Maybe, in the beginning, we like someone, then things change. Maybe you argued or he realized that this isn’t what he wants. If he had a change of heart, him pulling away from you was the best for you. You don’t want to get emotionally attached to someone who isn’t sure if they want to be with you.

# There’s no chase

Men like to chase. They like to court the women they’re interested in and see where things go. But if you’re too available and give them everything they want right away, they’ll leave you just as quickly. He could be pulling away because things were moving quickly, and he suddenly lost interest in the storyline.

reasons why do guys  pull away before they commit,commitment,mates and me,relationship tips

# He’s back with his ex

This is always a possibility. The ex has a stronghold over him, and even though they broke up, they can always get back together. Maybe his ex found out he was seeing people and decided to make a move. There’s always the chance of that happening, especially if it was a recent breakup.

# You’re not the one

Many guys are straightforward with their thoughts. They’re not going to give up their single lives for someone who they think is just “okay.” If they’re going to get off the dating market, they’re going to do it for a woman they feel could be the one. And if they have any feeling that you’re not the one for them, they’re going to pull back and reevaluate things.

# You were an option

Ouch, this one stings a bit. If he’s single, odds are he’s been openly dating and meeting new people. This is totally fine as long as he told you he’s casually seeing multiple people. But if he didn’t tell you that, and then pulled back quickly, he probably has other options he doesn’t want to let go of. If someone wants to be with you, they’ll do it.

# You don’t fit his plans

He may not have a detailed plan of what he wants in his future, but maybe, his goal is to travel the world while you prefer to stay in your city. This isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker, but if he sees you have completely different lifestyles, then that’s a good reason for him to pull back. For him, he doesn’t see you two on the same page.

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