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7 Most Obvious Signs Your Boyfriends Friends Do Not Like You

By: Kratika Thu, 06 Jan 2022 4:27:50

7 Most Obvious Signs Your Boyfriends Friends Do Not Like You

Our friends play an important part in our lives. In some cases, they have a huge say in what you do and the people you invite into your circle. For instance, have you ever seen the signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you much? If you got that vibe, it’s quite likely that you’re not too far off the mark.

A guy’s friends may not be able to tell him what to do and who to see, but they do have a certain amount of influence over him. So, if you’re noticing signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you all that much, there is a slight amount of concern you should feel.

Of course, we shouldn’t give your boyfriend zero credit here, because he has a mind of his own. However, doesn’t it just make life easier when your partner and your friends just get along well?

It’s not like they have to be best friends, of course, but being friendly and civil to one another, and maybe cracking a joke or two, makes everything that bit easier overall.

signs your boyfriends friends do not like you,mates and me,relationship tips

# They don’t even try and have a conversation with you

You’re regularly left on the fringes when you all meet up, and you sit there listening to everyone else. If no one attempts to bring you into the circle, that’s a pretty sure sign that something’s not right. Generally, when you like someone, you encourage them to be a part of things, so if that’s not happening, it’s possibly one of the signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you.

What can you do? Try your best to be involved in the conversation every so often, but don’t overdo it. You shouldn’t withdraw completely, because that means they’ve won. Also know when to be the bigger person. If you’ve done nothing wrong and there’s no real reason for them not to like you, why should you struggle?

# Their partners don’t tend to spend time with you

Normally, a guy’s friends will encourage their partners to spend time with their friend’s partners, so if that’s not happening, there’s something not quite right. It could be that they’ve not told their partners about you at all, or it could be that they’ve mentioned they’re not your biggest fan. That opinion has influenced their decision not to include you in group activities.

In this case, there isn’t a whole lot you can do. If you meet one of their partners, be your charming self, smile, introduce yourself, and simply see what their reaction is. It’s likely they’ll see you’re being totally authentic and invite you to be a part of things, but if they don’t, it’s a group of people you’re better off not being a part of anyway. Nobody’s got time for bitchiness!

# They don’t invite you to group get-togethers

It’s possible that from time to time, the guys will meet up and bring their partners in a big group setting. If you’re not being introduced to those, it’s possible your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you and made it clear to your boyfriend.

In this case, question why your guy isn’t doing more to rectify the situation. Surely it would make his life easier if everyone got along? If you have solid proof that you’re being left out of activities such as this, why not have a conversation with your boyfriend, in a non-accusatory way, and find out what the deal is?

signs your boyfriends friends do not like you,mates and me,relationship tips

# They’re pretty sarcastic whenever you’re around

Sarcasm is one of the lowest forms of conversation and wit, and we reserve it for people we’re not that fond of. If you’re seeing constant sarcastic remarks coming your way, it’s a pretty clear sign that something’s not right.

The best thing to do here is simply continue being friendly and charming, and never bow down to their level and meet their sarcasm with a dose of your own.

# They don’t really acknowledge your presence

If you’re not being greeted in a friendly way when you arrive, if you’re never asked about, and if nobody bothers to really find out anything about you, its means they’re simply not interested. Unfair, true, but it’s a sign.

If you walk into the room and nobody bothers to say “hello,” why not say it instead? That makes you the bigger person. It calls out for their rudeness. Sure, they might not respond in the way you want, but at least you’ve done the right thing. It’s all you can do in this situation.

# They talk over you

How annoying is it when you’re talking and everyone just ignores you and talks over the top of you? It’s annoying and rude. It’s also one of the signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you and show you zero respect.

If this regularly happens, you can deal with it one of two ways. Simply stop bother talking and give up, or wait for a pause in their conversation and say “as I was saying …” and continue your contribution. It’s a difficult one. You should be strong to avoid this rude behavior.

# They pretend they don’t remember your name

It’s another seriously rude thing to do. If they pretend they can’t remember your name, they’re basically telling you that you have no place in their group.

Of course they remember your name, so don’t fall for the trick. What do you do here? You say “my name is …, as you know” and end that with a friendly smile. You’re disarming them with the smile but sending a thinly veiled message that you know what they’re up to.

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