7 Signs You Are Being Emotionally Manipulated

By: Kratika Tue, 17 Aug 2021 3:56:48

7 Signs You are Being Emotionally Manipulated

Humans get manipulated in many different ways. The most difficult form of manipulation is emotional manipulation, It is very tough for people to live with this kind of maipulation. Some people are better maipulators, while some lack in this skill. In every relation the main to key to keep it intact is unconditional love and respect. And on the other hand emotional manipulation is the thing that ruins it all.

Here are 7 signs that tell you are being emotionally manipulated.

signs you are being emotionally manipulated,emotional manipulation,mates and me,relationship tips

# Your fears are used against you

When being emotionally manipulated, your partner always makes you talk first so that they spot all your weaknesses. When you begin any conversation, they keep the count of thier plot for next move and figure out how to poke holes in all your arguments by using those things you fear most against you.

# Only Loved When Things Done According To Them

Emotional manipulators use things like guilt and the other’s low self-esteem to make their partners feel as if they are only loved when they are doing what they are supposed to do. If you deviate from what is expected of you, then they will withhold love or make you feel guilty for not loving them enough, being kind enough, or doing what they think you should.

# If you confront, they make you feel bad

When you approach someone who emotionally manipulates you, they have this amazing way to turn everything that you say around. Whatever it is you throw at them they are like rubber and you are like glue.

# They make you feel insecure

Emotional manipulators work by making you feel insecure about yourself. If you felt strong and confident, you wouldn’t allow them to use your insecurities and fears to keep you in line.

They will be overly critical, minimize you and your accomplishments, and pretend as if nothing you do could ever amount to their own importance. They leave you feeling hollow and empty, and that is their plan. The only way to fill you back up is to gain their love by doing what they want. Then you can feel full again.

signs you are being emotionally manipulated,emotional manipulation,mates and me,relationship tips

# They contradict themselves in arguments

Manipulation involves doing everything possible to box someone in. When you are in an emotionally manipulative relationship, your partner says one thing, and then if that doesn’t work, they contradict themselves, or reverse what they said two minutes ago.

The best part about their amazing superpower is they convince you they didn’t just say what they said. It truly becomes maddening.

# They dont come straight to your face

People who manipulate, don’t come straight to your face to get you to do something. They use the backdoor entry like passive aggressive comments, or even talking to other people so that it gets back to you.

The key to their control is to leave you always wondering what is going on behind your back. They up the noises inside in your head by making you feel insecure. Insecurity is their best means of controlling you.

# History of damaged relationship

Often when someone is a manipulator, they have a long history of people who they tell you abused or mistreated them. They see themselves as someone drawn to wounded birds because they are an altruistic individual.

The truth is that someone who emotionally manipulates seeks out insecure people to be in relationships with. They either intentionally, or unintentionally, find people who can be easily manipulated. That is typically finding others who have things in their past that have left them fearful, anxious, or just downright lacking in self-esteem.

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