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8 Common Struggles Of A Smart And Hot Girl
By: Kratika Maheshwari Thu, 08 July 2021 2:58:37
Nobody likes a girl who admits she’s hot. But luckily, I really don’t care what people think, so I’ll go right ahead and say it: I’m hot. I got lucky with my genes and wound up looking just as my name suggests. My mom is a beautiful woman, and I mostly look just like her.
That being said, I have grown up with people thinking that my life is all rainbows and sunshine. I have had people hate me purely because I look pretty. The sad thing is, they’ve hated me for things I have no control over.
My life has been anything but easy. Despite being a rather good-looking girl, I have been faced with a number of different struggles in my everyday life that some others may not have to deal with on a regular basis. Right now, I’m going to share with you 8 struggles of a hot girl.
# Insecurity issues
Girls that are hot have SO many insecurity issues. Very seldom is there a really attractive woman who feels that way about herself. The reason these women are so hot is because they work really hard to be in shape, have great skin, have long hair, and look pretty because they want to feel good about themselves.
# High expectations
If you’re labeled as the “hot girl,” you can never show up somewhere looking less than immaculate. People will assume that there’s something wrong or that you’re sick, and that really just SUCKS.
Everyone always assumes that if you look great one day, you’re always going to look that great, which can lead to a lot of pressure. We can’t just hop out of the house without our hair done or makeup on without someone asking us, “What’s wrong?”
# Hateful people – for no reason
Lots of women hate other women just because they’re good-looking
There’s no rhyme or reason to this, other than the fact that we are better looking than them. And most of the time, it’s not even our fault – we just got lucky! But people hate us anyways.
# Uncertainty with our significant others
We never know if the person we’re with likes us for who we are or because we’re super hot. Some people will be with a person just because they’re really good-looking and it makes them look better. It puts a lot of uncertainty in our minds and makes us doubt the whole relationship.
# We don’t have things easy just because everyone thinks we get things easily
I once had someone not tip me at a restaurant because I was, “Hot and probably got a lot of tips all the time.” So I got $0 for waiting on his table.
The problem? A lot of people have that mindset, so it actually makes our lives a lot harder than those who are average-looking.
# Workplace sexual harassment
This is a huge problem for attractive women in the workforce and makes our days difficult. I was once told that I could no longer wear a pair of black slacks because they were “too tight on the butt” and made the male employees distracted.
# Everyone thinks we’re stupid
Beautiful women have the stereotype of being unintelligent. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a conversation with someone new and they made a comment about how surprised they were that I was so intellectual. How insulting!
# Insecure significant others
Our boyfriends are insecure as HELL. They are in constant belief that since we’re so hot, we’re going to end up leaving them because we can get anyone we want. Really? Because if we can get anyone and yet we choose them, isn’t that a compliment on their behalf?
We have to deal with jealous boyfriends putting us down all the time in order to make themselves feel better. And I once, had to deal with a boyfriend who forbade me to wear any makeup so I wouldn’t look so attractive.