8 Cute Ways To Say Hi In A Text Message

By: Kratika Maheshwari Fri, 11 Feb 2022 2:32:25

8 Cute Ways To Say Hi in a Text Message

There are so many cute ways to say hi in a text message. Of course, this varies per person. What some people find funny may fly right over someone else’s head. But, try to avoid just saying, “hi.” This is dull, boring, and doesn’t excite anyone to talk to you. No offense.

If you are looking to get a cute and even flirty conversation started, you need some cute and funny ways to say hi in a text message. You don’t want to give a bad first impression, even virtually.

And if being clever or original with the words isn’t exactly your thing, it’s okay because you’re in good hands. For those of you who lack that originality when saying hi in a text message, these ideas should spark something in you. Whichever of these cute ways interests you, use it. It will surely start things out right in your next texting conversation.

cute ways to say hi in a text message,mates and me,relationship tips

# Use emojis

The rosy-cheeked smiley face is one of the cutest ones to use when saying hello because it is literally adorable. This emoji shows you’re sort of shy and cheeky but still being mysterious and cute.

It is practically impossible to use that emoji and not leave people smiling. Also, the little monkey see, monkey do emojis are great additions to any hi text message. You can even add a random or nonsensical one in, just to get them talking.

# Send a photo

Instead of using your words, use the art of photography. A photo of you smiling or waving hi is much more exciting than the word “hi” in a text message.

This will leave your recipient feeling like you are really interested. Plus, seeing a cute photo of you will go a long way too. Just keep it PG, at least for now.

# Try a video

Since you can send photos, you can also send videos. You can send a video of you actually waving or perhaps singing a Disney song… Be cute and have fun with it. Use your confidence to encourage their response.

# Use a cute saying

“Hey, pretty lady” is a great option, or “Hey good lookin’, what’s cookin’?” Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. These are classics that will honestly never get old.

They may sound a little cringe or cheesy, but that’s why they work. You rarely hear these anymore, but they are wholesome and cute.

cute ways to say hi in a text message,mates and me,relationship tips

# Say hi in another language

Saying “Hola or “Bonjour” are cute ways to say hi. You aren’t really putting that much effort in, but it does start a conversation about cultures and if you really know another language.

It also just takes saying “hi” up a notch.

# How long has it been?

Saying something like, “I miss you” or “it has been ages,” lets them know that no matter how long it has been, you’re thinking of them. You want to catch up. This is a great way to enter into a nice long conversation about what you’ve both been up to.


I’ve received this text a few times, and it’s sort of funny, depending on who sends it. It could honestly go either way. But if you think you could pull this one off, then, by all means, go for it.

# Hey you

C-L-A-S-S-I-C! This is one of those cute ways to say hi in a text message that is seriously so simple, but it never fails. When someone who likes you gets this text, instead of just “hi,” they feel like you’re thinking about them.

Just the simple use of the word ‘you’ makes you feel more seen and attracted. Let this simple yet cute way to say hi over text lead your recipient to “awwww” town.

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