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8 Realistic Ways To Back Out On A Date Before It Starts

By: Kratika Sat, 02 Apr 2022 7:44:40

8 Realistic Ways To Back Out on a Date Before It Starts

Although you should always go into a new date with an open mind, it’s always good to have a backup plan in case things don’t go your way. The person could seem normal to other people or have semi-normal pictures on Tinder, but then could turn out to be a complete crazy person.

Coming from someone who had to end a date before the meal even came because her date accused her of flirting with the waiter, I know what I’m talking about. Here are some guaranteed ways to get out of a date gracefully and without too much suspicion.

On occasion, you’ll want to get out of the date before you even go on it. Maybe you realized it was a bad idea, maybe they turned you off while texting/communicating in any other way, or maybe you went out with someone else that shows promise. No matter the reason, here’s how to realistically cancel on a date.

realistic ways to back out on a date before it starts,mates and me,relationship tips

# Make sure you really want to cancel

First things first, make sure you really want to cancel. Don’t let your own insecurities lead you to miss out on an opportunity with someone truly unique and interesting. Make sure you want to cancel before trying any of these foolproof excuses.

# Fake sick in a cute way

Don’t let them imagine that you’re spewing out bodily fluids, as that’s never cute. Text them and let them know that you’re really sorry but your throat hurts and you can barely speak, rendering the date useless.

You can also throw in a little bit about how you wouldn’t want to get them sick in any way. It will not only make you look like you care about their health, but it’ll get their imagination reeling about how you would have gotten them sick.

# Tell them you forgot something important you have to do

It might seem irresponsible, but just let them know that you completely forgot about certain plans/appointments/other commitments that you had prior to making the date. Apologize and tell them there’s nothing you can do. Easy peasy!
# Tell them you’re “swamped” with work

As long as it’s a work day, this excuse will work perfectly. Let them know that you’re really sorry but you’re just swamped with work and there’s no way your boss will let you get out on time.

Not only is it a great excuse, it also takes the blame off of you and puts it onto your boss for missing the date. They’ll be sure to understand the hardships of having a strict boss.

realistic ways to back out on a date before it starts,mates and me,relationship tips

# You suddenly have an unexpected surprise from your family

Your family planned a surprise trip for you without considering that you might actually have a social life typical. They can’t exactly get mad at you for something you had no control over. It’s a perfect excuse!

# Your friend is having a tough time and needs you

See, this makes you selfless, caring, and basically awesome while you’re canceling on them. They won’t exactly be upset with you. Perhaps a little let-down, but that’s only because they’re missing out on a date with someone as nice as you.

# Your cat/dog got out and you can’t find them

This one is a go-to last-minute excuse for me. Nothing will take up your time and make it more impossible for you to leave your neighborhood than your pet going missing.

The tricky part is that they’ll often offer assistance and then try to take you out after. Just tell them that you already have some neighbors on the look-out, but will let them know if you need them. It gets them off your back, you out of the date, and you can simply never text them back.

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