8 Signs Of Midlife Crisis In Women

By: Kratika Fri, 25 June 2021 3:47:07

8 Signs of Midlife Crisis in Women

If a man, starting to go grey, buys a red sports car or starts sleeping with his twenty-something secretary, it can be a major alert that he is having a midlife crisis. But the signs of midlife crisis in women are more subtle.

Women have a lot of responsibilities and are often judged for their choices, no matter what they are. So, when that time comes, a woman will not respond in such a blunt manner.

A midlife crisis in women isn’t as well-known or discussed as men because women are used to hiding these things. If they are going through this change, they will continue on with minor changes to their routine. They won’t do anything shocking like growing unattractive facial hair.

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# Insecurity

Whether she has always been self-conscious or not, she may begin to worry more about her appearance. Or a deeper interest in beauty or a new unlikely fear of aging could signal a midlife crisis.

Women already have so much scrutiny over their looks. When they hit that stage in life it can become overwhelming. If you let gray hairs show you don’t care, but if you dye your hair you’re vain. If you get Botox you’re trying too hard, but if you don’t you look old and wrinkled.

This pressure has always been there but when middle-age comes, it can become debilitating. If a woman who has always been quite confident begins to worry about grays or even considers plastic surgery this could mean a midlife crisis.

# Emptiness

Around the time many women hit their midlife, their kids, if they have them, are grown or out of the house. This could be the first time in nearly two decades that she is no longer a caretaker. Even divorce can trigger this.

Whether she is dealing with the adjustment of becoming an empty nester or not, she may question what her purpose is now. She may look into new hobbies or jobs. She may begin to volunteer or start a project.

When a woman who has had a routine most of her life is yanked away from what she is accustomed to, she will try to find a way to remain useful.

# Socializing

As previously stated, this might be the first time she has had free time and a lessened sense of responsibility. Not only is she adjusting to new freedom, but she may take that time to go out and enjoy herself.

Whether that means going to the movies or out on the town with gals, she wants to make the most of some of the things she may not have been able to do.

She may join a club or take classes. She wants to fill her time. Because women who suddenly have free time aren’t used to it, they will try to fill it with as much as possible. [Read: 19 ways to be more social and connect]

A newer sign of a midlife crisis in women would be using social media to reach out to old friends.

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# Changing behavior

When a woman goes through a midlife crisis she may finally feel a sense of freedom. Although she loved the last twenty or so years, she has paid her dues and deserves a break.

So whether she decides to stop cooking a full dinner every night but rather orders out or even dresses with a new style, she may just be giving herself the life she has been away from for many years. This can be seen in major and minor ways.

She may start taking better care of herself through exercise or her diet. Or, if she has always been perfectly styled she may start to relax and be comfortable. Any break from her norm could be a sign of a midlife crisis in women.

# Dreaming

Women tend to put their careers and dreams on hold to focus on their family. And if this is the case, she may finally have the confidence and time to fulfill those aspirations. And even if she doesn’t, this midlife crisis could push her to make time for herself.

Perhaos she wants to go back to college and get her degree, start painting, or travel the world. If she didn’t get a chance to do these things when she was younger, now is her chance and she is taking advantage of that.

Even if you never knew she had a dream to teach dance or visit Paris, she is finally able to let her dreams out from the box she’s kept them in.

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# Dating

And good for her. Whether she is divorced or has been single for a long time, dating is refreshing. And if she is dating younger men she wants something new. There is nothing wrong with dating a younger man, but if this is a change for her, it could be a sign she is going through a midlife crisis.

Although some studies say women are not interested in intimacy during this time, women in their 40s and 50s tend to just be coming into their sexual peak. Whether she spent most of her life with one man and wants to experiment or just has a ton of energy, this could be a clear sign of a midlife crisis.

But as long as she is being safe, more power to her. Men have been dating younger women for centuries. It’s a lady’s turn.

# Big changes

Whether she has finally decided to leave her husband, quit her job, or even move, a midlife crisis is a push to alter something in your life. Once a midlife crisis arrives, it causes a constant nagging feeling that something is missing.

Just because these decisions may be signs of a midlife crisis in women it doesn’t mean they are any less valid or important. Sure, a forty-something man sleeping with his assistant seems futile. But, when a forty-something woman takes charge of her life it means something.

A big change like switching careers, moving to Tuscany, or even taking skydiving lessons doesn’t mean she’s lost her mind, but it can be a sign her midlife crisis has hit.

# Intense emotions

Yes, this can signal menopause too, which often comes around the same time as a midlife crisis. How lucky for women, huh? Women are hit with bad timing and an imbalance of hormones all at once.

And one way that comes out is through mood swings. These signs of midlife crisis in women can be seen through irrational anger, random crying fits, or even boosts of energy, not to mention trouble sleeping, hot flashes, and more that would alter anyone’s mood.

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