8 Ways To Get Over Being Cheated On

By: Kratika Maheshwari Tue, 19 July 2022 8:39:36

8 Ways To Get Over Being Cheated On

Relationships are all about trust. When you agree to be in a monogamous relationship with someone, if you strip it back to basics, essentially what you are saying is, "I am not going to hook up with anyone else"

If you find out your partner has cheated on you, it can take a long time to feel like you can trust someone again, and can have a serious affect on your future relationships.

It all depends on the individual. If you have been cheated on and it has signaled the end of your relationship, here are 8 ways to move on.

ways to get over being cheated on,mates and me,relationship tips

# Be devastated

This is actually an important part of healing. If you remain stoic and refuse to tap into your emotions, it is likely they will just catch up with you at a later date. Deal with the pain now. Face up to it–scream, yell, and cry about it, then let it go.

Sobbing on the kitchen floor, refusing to get out of bed, crying in all the public places you frequent because you can’t keep it together this is all completely normal. You’re allowed to feel sad; what happened to you was totally crushing and soul-destroying, so feel it.

# Take a lot of showers

This may seem like a weird one, but actually, it is a great way to get yourself fixed up and feeling fresh and ready to face a new day.

It might be that you only last an hour before you are reduced to a shriveling wreck again, but it’s still worth it. Getting up, washed, and dressed every day will mean that you aren’t being totally defeated, and that will make you feel stronger. Little by little, it will start getting easier, too.

# Make a playlist

Listening to music really helps put you in touch with your emotions, and making the perfect playlist can really help with this.

In fact, make two.

One for when you need to just indulge in your emotions this should include Natalie Imbruglia’s "Torn" and Leona Lewis’ "Better in Time."

Then make another one. A happy, punchy, shouty one that gets you up, pumping your fists in the air and dancing like a mad, crazy fool. It will really help we promise!

# Stop blaming yourself

Even the most confident person will have their core shaken if they have been cheated on. You’ll run through all the different questions and scenarios that everyone who has to go through this asks, and, at one point, undoubtedly wonder, “Was it something I did?”

Misplaced self-loathing is pretty commonplace when you have been cheated on. You’ll start to think it’s because you gained a couple of pounds, because you didn’t tidy up as much as you should have, or because you insisted on watching your favorite movie that night.

If you are not careful, you can end up in a spiral of self doubt and start to believe that, somehow, your partner had no choice but to cheat because you are so ugly and useless, and you totally deserve it.

While it’s quite normal to feel this way, at some point, you need to sit up straight and realize that none and we mean absolutely none of this is your fault. Once you understand that, you’ll feel stronger already.

ways to get over being cheated on,mates and me,relationship tips

# Make a list

Of everything you didn’t like about your partner, that is. Focusing on all the negatives will help you get over them quicker, and perhaps make you realize that you were never right for one another in the first place.
It’s so easy to get sucked into feeling all nostalgic about the good times you had together, but this is pointless.

Instead, remember what crappy taste they had in music, how they would always leave hair all over the bathroom, how they were selfish in bed, or used to get annoyed with you for really unfair things.

Then, remember that they cheated on you, that you are worth way more than that, and that you will find someone better, who will make you way happier, too.

# Get angry

You should be angry. The person you trusted the most totally broke your trust. Getting seriously angry is good–it’s cathartic.

Get angry when you are with your friends, swear a lot, and plan ridiculously far-fetched acts of revenge. You’ll eventually calm down, and dare we even say laugh about it, but you’ll certainly feel a lot better if you can vent from time to time.

# Get a new hobby

There is nothing better than getting rid of your old life by starting something new. Getting a new hobby will get you out of the house, get you meeting new people, and will distract you from thinking about your ex all the time.

Do something that you have always wanted to do, but put off when you were with them. You’ll feel an awesome sense of achievement and realize that they were holding you back, anyway.

# Do something that scares you

Getting out of your comfort zone is important. Push your boundaries, and do something that scares you. It might be a sky dive, or it might be talking to your boss about a pay raise.

Whatever it is, now is the time to do it. When something terrible happens to us, we can choose to sit down and take it let it break us or we can stand up and fight.

If you do something that scares you, whatever the result is, you’ll feel stronger and more courageous than ever before.

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