8 Ways To Help You From Stop Feeling Worthless

By: Kratika Fri, 04 June 2021 3:40:03

8 Ways To Help You From Stop Feeling Worthless

Feeling worthless. Hmm. Well, it isn’t difficult to dissect it. Feel worth-less. The question you should stop to ask yourself when you say something like “less” is what is more. If you are feeling worthless, then examine what it is that is worth more than you feel.

What exactly is it that you don’t have enough of? If it is self-worth, then figure out what it is that you define yourself by.

Many of us feel less than at points during our lives like when things don’t go our way, we didn’t accomplish the goals we set out, or we generally aren’t who we want or had hoped to be. But, if your feelings of worthlessness are perpetuating and long standing, then it might warrant a step back. Examine why you aren’t happy with who you are or where you are in life.

stop feeling worthless,tips to stop feeling worthless,mates and me,relationship tips

# Make your bed

I know, sounds stupid, right? If you wake every morning and the first thing you do is make your bed, then by the time you complete your first cup of coffee, you are already ahead of the game and have something in your pocket to make you feel successful for the rest of the day.

A theory introduced decades ago by a naval officer by the name of McGraven, each small step you make creates big change. The easiest place to start is by starting your day making a difference to keep you wanting more.

# Take a negative comment and find the silver lining

It is easy to hear things differently than they are said when you feel worthless. The next time someone says something to you that you feel sounds degrading or worthless, find the silver lining in it.

Likely, there is a lesson to be learned in the next negative thing you hear and make it a positive. Perhaps your negativity perpetrates your feelings of worthlessness. So, stop hearing messages as only negative, and even if they are, challenge yourself to do better next time instead of letting constructive, or otherwise, criticism, beat you down.

# Set smaller and more attainable goals for yourself

Sometimes it is easy to beat up on yourself for not being where you want to be or achieving the things that you had hoped you would. But, that is also a symptom of setting your expectations too high and setting yourself up for failure.

If you want to stop feeling worthless, then give yourself a break. Instead of feeling like you must have the corner office by the age of twenty-five, make smaller attainable goals that you reach every day.

Whether at work or in your personal life, stop looking for the big cash in or payday and be happy with the smaller victories that get you where you want eventually. Sure, it might not be as quickly as you want. But give yourself a little breathing room, and you might find that it isn’t always about the joy of the end of the destination but the smaller things that make you happy along the way.

stop feeling worthless,tips to stop feeling worthless,mates and me,relationship tips

# Stop being your worst critic

If you tend to beat up on yourself, that isn’t helping you at all. It is not only okay to make mistakes; it is essential to learning where you want to be in life and how to get there.

Stop being harder on yourself than others are on you and expecting perfection when it isn’t possible. Look at the good things you offer instead of focusing on all your mistakes or misgivings. What you might see, is how you make yourself feel worthless without reason.

# Start to eliminate those people in your life who keep you down

Take a good look at the people who you surround yourself with. Do they foster your good feelings or do they put you down? If you are encased in negativity, by the laws of attraction, by continuing to be around them, you attract negativity.

Find people who look on the bright side and are there to point out your positives instead of knocking your not so greats. There will always be someone available to make you feel worthless, that is just life. But, why surround yourself with people who can’t see what gifts you have? Look for those who help you shine instead of squashing your light.

# Let go of the past

So you screwed up a few times in your past. News flash, we all have. There isn’t a person walking on this earth who hasn’t made ample mistakes in their past. Whatever you did before this moment, has nothing to do with what you do going forward.

The most enlightening thing in life is when you realize that not just each new day, but each new moment, you have the potential to start anew and to make the best of the rest of your life. Like a continual do-over, you have the power to change your life from inside out if that is what you set your mind to and want for yourself.

stop feeling worthless,tips to stop feeling worthless,mates and me,relationship tips

# Do one thing a day that makes you feel good about you

Whether it is helping an elderly person with their groceries or cutting your neighbor’s lawn when you already have the mower out, doing one small act of kindness a day, helps stave away your feelings of worthlessness.

Human nature built into our bodies little boosts of good feelings that are released when we perform acts of kindness. These endorphins help to change your outlook not just on life, but on yourself. It truly just takes one small favor for someone else to alter your entire day, and if you do them continually, it changes your life overall.

# Decide for yourself who you are

When we feel worthless, it is because we look for others to tell us who we are. That is a road to emptiness. You have to know who and what you are on the inside instead of letting others define you for you.

Stop listening to the incoming messages that cloud your self-perception and start to take stock of who you really are, what you believe, and the goodness in your heart. If you care enough to feel worthless, then you are someone who is concerned with who you are. That is half the battle.

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