Reasons That Lead To Breakup In Couples

By: Priyanka Wed, 16 Dec 2020 9:10:09

Reasons That Lead To Breakup In Couples

When relationships start to deteriorate, the choice of breakup comes first in our mind. It has often been seen that once bitterness comes in relationships, it is always intact. Even if we become calm at that time, but sometimes things get mentioned and things start deteriorating. Therefore, it seems better that such a relationship is better to end it.
But whenever we distance ourselves from relationships or breakups, these breakups often do not end with a healthy relationship. This means that it stops only by going over each other's shortcomings that it happened because of you, you spoiled the relationship or it was my fault to stay in this relationship. Usually, all these things break the relationship.

But why do we forget that whose words we are feeling so bad today, we used to like these things a lot. Why not take care of those good? Why not remember the better moments spent together. Why are each other's weaknesses visible? It is very important to have respect for each other in any relationship, even if you are separated from each other.

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#Understand that there is no pain-free way to break up.

We all wish that we could end relationships without any hurt or pain. But no matter how broken the relationship is, officially ending it will cause pain on both sides. Once you acknowledge that there will be a pain, you can be prepared for the aftermath.

#Do it face-to-face.

If you've ever been dumped by text or email, you know how it feels to be given so little consideration that the other person didn't even bother to tell you in person. Why do the same to another person? Your partner deserves the dignity of a face-to-face conversation. An intimate setting is arguably better, but if you are worried about your partner having a violent reaction, a public place is safer.

# Be honest but don't give too much detail.

In general, people want to know why they're being dumped. While "you're terrible in bed" or "you lack ambition" might seem like an honest answer, it doesn't really preserve your partner's self-esteem or dignity. Using a reflexive sentence like "I don't feel we're compatible sexually" or "I don't think our long-term goals align anymore" are nicer ways to express your feelings. Don't do a play-by-play of the things the other person did wrong or use clichés like "it's not you, it's me."

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# Do not give in to arguments or protests.

If the breakup is a surprise for the other person, they might try to argue, protest, or give reasons why you should remain together and try again one more time. If you are at the point of breaking up, nothing can restore or revive the relationship now. Giving in will only delay the inevitable.

# Express your sadness at the breakup and share some good things about your time together.

Being dumped feels really bad. You can soften the blow a little by sharing some of the good times you shared together: "You taught me so much about cooking and I am a better cook now, thanks to you," or something similar. You want to make the other person feel like they had a positive impact on your life despite the relationship ending. You may also want to say something like: "I had hoped for us to grow old together and I am sad that it will not happen." It shows that you share some of your partners' hurt feelings about broken hopes.

# Avoid turning the other person into "the bad guy."

Nobody's perfect. You have faults too, and turning your ex-partner into an evil figure is not helpful (aside from obvious instances of violence, but that's not the kind of relationship we're talking about here). They may have done some bad things, like cheating, but they are human too. It's better to resolve your feelings around what they did (if they did anything wrong) rather than who they are.

# Give yourself time to grieve.

Even if you are the one breaking up, there will be a period of heartbreak, sadness, and pain. Realize that you will also need to adjust to your new situation. Surround yourself with people you love, do things that make you happy, and remember that crying and feeling sad is perfectly okay.

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