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Move Over Viagra, These Exercises Will Help Mens Boost Intimacy Power

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 27 Oct 2017 2:41:20

Move over Viagra, These Exercises Will Help Mens Boost Intimacy Power

You know that working out is good for your health. But did you know that hitting the gym could also help you have better sex? “Working out three to four times a week can do a lot to help your sexual technique, flexibility, and endurance.

# Weight Lifting

Strength training could be just what the doctor ordered for your sex life. The reason- Weight lifting causes the body to produce testosterone, which is the primary precursor for the male sex drive. In fact, some studies have linked short intense exercise, such as weight lifting, with increased testosterone levels. To improve your sex life, do some push-ups, sit-ups, and crunches. These muscle-building exercises can help lead to better sex by strengthening the shoulders, chest, and abs. Strong upper body strength can increase stamina since these muscles are used during intercourse.

# Kegels

Doing Kegels is considered a good sex exercise for men because these exercises can help endurance and control by toning the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles the ones that let you stop the flow of urine mid-stream.

exercises to help mens boost intimacy power,exercises for men,intimacy boosting exercises

# Yoga

Want to shake up your sex life with some new positions? Practicing yoga will give you better sex by allowing your body to get into creative positions for maximum pleasure during intercourse.

# Fast Walking

In a study of 31,000 men over age 50, Harvard researchers found that aerobic exercise resulted in a 30-percent lower risk of erectile dysfunction (ED). More specifically, according to another study, aerobic activity that burns at least 200 calories per day (equal to fast walking for two miles) can significantly lower the risk of ED.

# Swimming

In another Harvard study of 160 male and female swimmers, swimmers in their 60s reported sex lives comparable to those in their 40s. Since sexual activity can be an act of endurance, long-distance swimming can keep you going and going like the Energizer bunny.

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