Here Are 7 Steps To Deal With Haters

By: Kratika Maheshwari Sat, 24 Apr 2021 5:18:57

Here are 7 Steps To Deal With Haters

Learning how to deal with haters will free you from negativity and cruelty in your daily life. Remember they’re only jealous!

I’ve come to realize something most people only speak up to say something negative or to drag someone else down. Few people speak up to give praise or a compliment. It’s a sad world we live in, making it necessary we learn how to deal with haters.

Social media has become a phenomenon. Can you remember a time without Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? It’s hard to think back to those times. Maybe you weren’t even born before the boom of social media took place!

The problem is, while social media is fantastic for so many things, it makes it far easier to bully, drag someone down, or simply post negative comments. You have no clue how that simple negative comment will affect another person. But it can easily lead down a slippery slope towards self loathing and even depression.

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# Don’t respond to their negativity

It’s the hardest thing in the world when you want to react to something and you have to bite your tongue. But, if you want to learn how to deal with haters in the most effective way, it’s something you have to do. When you fail to respond to someone’s cruelty, the power they intended to yield over you doesn’t exist.

Walking away with your head held high is the strongest thing you can do. Sure, it’s hard to do, but bite your lip, take a deep breath and put one foot in front of the other.

# Block abuse from online sources

Most negativity appears online, simply because people are a lot braver when they’re hiding behind a keyboard or a cell phone. They probably wouldn’t say these things to your face!

If you’re experiencing online bullying or a constant slew of negative comments, you have the power to block those people and report them to the social media platform.There is a zero tolerance policy in place now for cyberbullying. Take advantage of that and learn how to deal with haters as a result.

# Be the bigger person

It might seem borderline impossible to be kind to someone who is being negative or cruel to you, but it will wind them up! By being kind to everyone, even haters, you’re the bigger person. You’re refusing to sink down to their level. It will also show them that you’re not affected by their words, whether you are in reality or not.

By reacting, you’re giving haters what they want, so rise above it. Be the bigger person, and see how much it annoys them!

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# Know your support system

Haters will hate, but your friends will love you regardless. Know your support system and stick closely to them. You can absorb a lot of support and positivity from your friends.

When that happens, the actions of haters really don’t matter. Knowing your support system also helps you to cope when someone says something which affects you on a deep emotional level.

# Understand why haters hate in the first place

When you understand why people say and do nasty things, you’ll have the power to learn how to deal with haters in the most effective way. You’ll quickly learn that people who do and say these things are only reflecting back on themselves badly. What they say and do is a total reflection of them. It has nothing to do with you at all. You just happen to be the one they’re choosing to focus their negativity on at this time.

The most common reason for being negative towards another person is jealousy, so in some ways, you could take it as a backhanded compliment!

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# Talk about how you feel

The most important thing when learning how to deal with haters is to know that you don’t just have to brush your feelings under the carpet. Talk to someone about how you feel, perhaps a close friend or a third party who isn’t involved.

Being the victim of a hater can be hard. Depending upon the level of the abuse you’re facing, it’s probably going to affect you on an emotional level in some way. Talk about it! Be open about your feelings.

# Never change who you are

Remember, when people say mean things to you, it’s not because you’re a bad person or you’re terrible at what you do, it’s because someone else is jealous or they’re acting out for another reason.

Never change who you are because of the actions of a hater. This is the number one thing to remember when learning how to deal with haters. By changing even slightly, you’re giving them what they want and need. Continuing to be you means that they’re not winning.

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