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- Here Are Top 15 Reasons To Be Happy
Here Are Top 15 Reasons To Be Happy
By: Kratika Maheshwari Thu, 04 Feb 2021 7:49:32
A common misconception among people is that the people with the most money, friends and power are the happiest. This is not the case and there are many of them who have all these things but will still rank among the unhappiest lot in the society today. The happiest people in the society today are the ones who chose to focus on enjoying life as it is and practice gratitude.
People with goals in life and are working towards them are among the happy people. If you are looking for a way to remain happy, one of the things that you should do is to consider the things that you need to appreciate and be grateful for in the past one week. You will find many things that you need to be happy about and you will see gifts that you wouldn’t have seen.
The more you try to focus on the positive things, the more reasons that you will come across. The good thing about happiness is that it is never overrated. It is only when we are happy and free of all kinds of worries that we appreciate how much life is worth. There is no better emotion that you can feel than happiness. This can be a overwhelming but at the same time subtle.
No matter the position you may be holding in society, all that you need is happiness. But no matter how strongly we aspire to be happy, there are times when we are faced with the feelings of anger, depression or sadness. According to the happiness science, you make a choice to be happy. However, when life hands you a lemon, you should make lemonade. If you are still not convinced that you need to be happy, here are the top 15 reasons to be happy.
# Reason to be happy-you are loved
We all have the important people in our lives. These are individuals who you would do everything for. In case you are searching for a reason why you need to be happy, this is definitely one of the key reasons. No matter how hard you find life to be, there is always that one person who shows you love unconditionally. Therefore, you got a good reason to be happy; the people who love and believe in you. This will cause you to have an enjoyable relationship.
# The unpredictability of life
One thing that should always make you feel happy in life is the unpredictability of life. Tomorrow you may wake to a promotion at your workplace or you may have a terminal illness. Now that you do not know what tomorrow holds, why don’t you choose to enjoy life today and be happy?
# Reason to be happy-Optimism
When we become happy we turn out to be optimistic. This is not only a chain but it can be part of a more vicious cycle. You will have an improved quality of thoughts. Not only will you be able to see the lighter side of life but you will also be in a better position to embrace it. You will no longer be haunted by negative thoughts. This will also drive away the pessimistic thoughts. If you are looking for success, it is very important to ensure that you remain optimistic. This is actually the correct mental attitude that will help you to develop and live a happy life.
# Improve your problem solving ability
The correct attitude will determine how you view life. When you have the right attitude, you will be in a better position to see the solution instead of the problem. You will easily take on a challenge and overcome it. One of the key skills is your ability to solve problems. If you choose to remain happy, you will be able to see the advantage in every problem. You become better placed to turn things around to your advantage.
# Improves productivity
When you are happy, you become more productive and efficient. While this is not easy to notice, happiness will improve your mental capacity and provide you with the energy that will help you to complete your tasks. The fact that you will be motivated means that there is no particular point in life when you will be feeling low. This will go a long way in improving your productivity. You will notice that your action will be right and you will be assured of better results. With the right mindset, you will get a good output for every activity that you engage in. When unhappy, it will be difficult for you to focus well and this means that your output will be low. If you are looking for a way to be more productive, you will have no option but to remain happy.
# Look good and radiant
The eyes are the window to the soul. This is why you find that the most beautiful people are the happiest. When you are happy, this adds to your beauty. You will appear more resplendent and radiant. The happier you become, the more beautiful you will appear. Therefore, this is one of the reasons to keep on smiling. This will end up shining through your eyes.
# For a longer life
There are certain factors that will help you to live longer; seeking God, the kind of genes you have and living a stress-free and healthy life. On the other hand, unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking and substance abuse will shorten your life. If you would like to liver a longer life, you will need to be happy. This is because happiness will help you get rid of stress and this will in turn help you to live a longer life.
# Better relationships
If you are the grumpy kind, nobody will be interested in being around you. In case you tend to lose your temper fast, you will become very unpopular with the people around you. In case you are always having a smile, people will approach you as they will find you to be pleasing. In case you would like to have better interpersonal skills, it is very important for you to be happy. This will appear unnatural and made-up. This is despite the fact that there is no good reason to make it up while it is possible to remain happy. It is possible to solve every problem using a smile. The moment you become happy, you will end up having a better social life.
# Offer a better sense of fulfillment
In case you would like to enjoy contentment, then there is no better way to do that than through happiness. Whether you are in love or you enjoy music, this only provides you with happiness and this only serve to ensure that your are completely filled. You will find everything perfect, the exact way it should be. You will have a new and positive way of looking at things. You will also be in a better position to look beyond the imperfections. Instead of focusing on those little shortcomings, you will have a look at the bigger picture and this can help you to live a more meaningful life.
# Boosts interests
Are you always depressed or disappointed? If you answer is yes, you can be assured that this is something that will only serve to bog you down. It will be impossible for you to focus on passions and interests. Therefore, by staying happy, it will be possible for you to not only boost your interest but you will get some new ideas as well as ways to develop yourself and not remain stagnant.
# Reason to be happy-remain healthy
If there are two things that correlate with one another, then it is good health and happiness. If you remain unhappy, it is not possible for you to stay healthy. One of the key ingredients for good health is happiness. This is one key aspect that many forget. You need to bear in mind that health is more than the absence of sickness. It involves the overall mental, physical and psychological health of a person. When unhappy, it will be difficult for you to have a lower immunity to diseases. This is on top of the fact that your psychological and emotional wellbeing will be guaranteed when you stay happy always. Dr. Christopher Peterson from the University of Michigan conducted a study on the link between optimism and health and concluded that people who are optimistic have an immune system that is stronger as compared to those with negative emotions. The reason for this is because those who have positive emotions area able to take good care of themselves.
# Spread happiness
Charlie Chaplin once said that when you are unhappy, life tends to laugh at you. When you are happy, it gives you a smile. When you spread happiness to others, life salutes you. In order to make other people happy, you will need to also be happy. After that it will be possible to spread the happiness to others. This will not only give provide you with your purpose in life, but it will help to get rid of social ills in the society.
# You will look younger
The only reason why you find that kids tend to be happier than a majority of us is because they have few things to worry about. This means that happiness tend to give us that warm and youthful glow. This is on top of the fact that when you are happier, you will frown less often and you will look younger.
# You need to enjoy the present
Many people have an expectation that tomorrow will be better than today. However, there are chances that you will still not feel happy when you attain what you are following up on. While this may sound strange, the fact that you can be able to appreciate what you have will not have anything to do with what you already have. This is all about measuring the good things that you may have in your life each time. When you practice to want the things you have, this will actually feel sweeter. Consider that thing that you already have and can enjoy it as it is.
# You will have a better future
A researcher at the University of California, Dr. Dacher Keltner suggests that it is possible to predict the future of a person according to their smile’s strength. According to examinations that they did on female students, researchers concluded that women who showed more positive emotions in the photos were more focused mentally and enjoyed happier marriages. They also enjoyed a more fulfilling life. Dr Keltner concluded that positive emotions go a long way in broadening the thoughts of a person while negative emotions narrow it. The study concluded that the way in which people express their emotions may dictate their social and personal success.