Lacking Sex Drive?  No, Its Not Imbalance

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 16 June 2017 8:22:35

Lacking Sex Drive?  No, its not Imbalance

From last few days, you don`t feel like getting cozy with your partner, dosen`t make you jump to conclusion that you are suffering from a disease. These days, women are bombarded with self-help articles, books, toys, even food recommendations that promise to not only whet their sexual appetite, but take their sex life from ho-hum to hot-and-steamy.

In reality, there`s no such thing as a "normal" sex drive - it varies from woman to woman (and man to man, for that matter). It naturally fluctuates over time based on a number of factors, including physical and emotional well-being, major life changes, and (not surprisingly) the quality of your relationship. Experiencing issues in any of these areas can affect your sexual desire, according to the Mayo Clinic, and usually, there`s a combination of these causes at play. This is why the criteria for female sexual dysfunction is so broad and can`t be measured as objectively as, say, erectile dysfunction can, leaving many women confused AF about whether what they`re experiencing is a dry spell or a full-blown drought.

mates and me,relationship,lacking sex drive

The biggest killer of sexual arousal is responsibility, so understanding one`s own sexual desire will be forever intertwined with the responsibilities in her life.

If your desire has taken a sudden nosedive but your relationship (or life in general) is on solid ground, a checkup can determine if there`s an underlying medical reason your libido`s MIA, says Singh Bais. Everything from thyroid problems to antidepressants to low self-esteem can cause lulls in desire, and dealing with these issues can help you turn things around.

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