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11 Signs You Have Been Friend Zoned By The Girl You Like

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 03 Nov 2023 12:25:14

11 Signs You Have Been Friend zoned By The Girl You Like

Most men dread the consecutive utterance of two particular words, perhaps more than any other phrase, when pursuing a romantic interest. You're probably familiar with what we're alluding to - those words that signify you've been relegated to the realm of friendship by a woman.

While many men may jest about finding themselves in the "Friend Zone" or feigning immunity to it, a significant portion of them have encountered this situation at least once in their lives. It's entirely possible that some of them are currently in denial about it!

Alternatively, these individuals may have been oblivious to the various signs. Some women are forthright and promptly dispel any notions of a romantic connection with a man. However, many others take a more subtle approach, aiming to be gentle and let you down gently.

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# "You lack a sense of humor!"

Even in a friendly context, most girls tend to chuckle at a guy's jokes, which is a typical social interaction. So, if your crush bursts into laughter at your jokes, don't immediately assume it's a sign of romantic interest. Conversely, if your female friend rarely or never laughs at your jokes, it might be time to worry that your relationship may not even reach the level of friendship but rather lean towards acquaintance territory.

# "Inquires about other women"

When your ideal girl consistently asks about other women during your hangouts, there are two possible explanations. She might be trying to understand your dating preferences to see if she fits the bill or to determine your relationship status at that moment. However, the more realistic interpretation is that she might be subtly hinting that you should pursue one of these women. Be cautious if she encourages you to approach other women; it's not a good sign for you, my friend!

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# "Refers to you as a 'friend'"

This is arguably one of the most discouraging signs that you've been placed in the friend zone by a girl. Regardless of how much time you spend together, the way she introduces you to her parents or friends speaks volumes about her romantic feelings. If she introduces you as "Matt, a good friend" or exclaims, "I absolutely adore John; he's my bestie," it's a clear indication that you should accept your fate in the Friend Zone.

# "Avoids appearing with you in romantic settings"

If she deliberately avoids being seen with you in romantic settings to prevent any misconceptions, you might be left wondering why you spend so much time together during the day but rarely at night. She might always have other commitments when you suggest going to the mall or grabbing a meal. However, the next day at class or work, she's back to being chatty with you. It's evident that her company is reserved for daytime interactions only.

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# "Discusses her hookups"

Perhaps the most disheartening aspect of being friendzoned by a girl is having to listen to her talk about other men she's interested in, while you're not one of them. Even if you know these guys aren't right for her (clearly, you should be the one with her), it doesn't matter because she's captivated by their nice cars, chiseled bodies, or charming smiles.

# "Three's not a crowd"

If you invite her somewhere, and she consistently brings a friend along, it's no longer a coincidence but a clear indication of where you stand – firmly in the realm of friendship rather than an exclusive relationship. Whether it's a movie, dinner, or any private outing, it somehow morphs into a group event without your prior knowledge. This is another way women use to communicate, "Sorry, I'm not interested," without explicitly saying it.

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# "She's intoxicated and still distant"

Despite getting her to a bar and having a one-on-one moment in public, even after a few drinks, she displays no interest in getting closer to you romantically. There are no hints of the possibility of dating or physical closeness as the night progresses. This could be a clear sign that you've been friendzoned by this girl, and the prospects aren't looking promising.

# "Lack of physical contact"

A simple hug doesn't count here. If hugging is the extent of your physical interaction every time you meet, it's unlikely she's interested in more. Let's move on to the next point and hope you get the hint.

# "She's exceptionally casual"

You can tell she's not putting any effort into her appearance when you see her. If she shows up in sweatpants, a pullover jacket, no makeup, or earrings when you're going out to eat, the romantic prospects appear rather dim, my friend.

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# "Watching a full movie"

When watching a movie at her home, if you find yourselves merely watching the entire film without any physical closeness or intimate gestures, it strongly suggests that you're in the Friend Zone. If she were even remotely interested, there might be signs of getting closer or cuddling up. So, a lack of such gestures should give you a clear indication of where you stand.

# "She sees you as a brother"

Being referred to as a "bestie" is a tough situation, but being called "the brother she never had" is even worse because no one thinks of family members in a romantic context. This is a clear sign that you've been firmly placed in the friend zone by this girl.

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