8 Signs You Are An Attention Whore

By: Kratika Maheshwari Sat, 09 July 2022 10:45:33

8 Signs You are an Attention Whore

Are you or a friend turning into an attention whore? Use these 8 surefire signs to know if you’re craving for attention in all the wrong ways! If you’re someone who loves attention and thinks no harm can ever come off it, well, you’d obviously wonder what’s wrong with it. But in reality, being a desperate attention whore can do more damage than good to you.

Unless you’re earning money off your attention seeking ways on a reality show, it won’t help you in any way. Your attention whoring ways will leave you feeling insecure, make your friends hate you, and eventually, no one will even trust you or even care for you.

Attention whoring is a way of life. Even if you are one, you may never realize it and you may assume everyone else is jealous of you because you’re getting the attention of the world and you’re so popular.

But if you find yourself losing a lot of old friends too fast, and if you feel hurt when someone you meet for the first time doesn’t like you, ask yourself if you’re relying too much on the image you’re portraying to the world and less on who you really are, to define yourself. The ego of an attention whore is huge, and also extremely fragile. And especially with the advent of social sites, the urge to become famous could cloud your rational judgment, and the fear of losing all those facebook friends could scare you to death.

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# Status updates

You frequently add vague status updates on facebook, knowing fully well that most of your friends won’t know what you mean or what you’re trying to say. And yet you pretend like it wasn’t meant for everyone, or worse, you wait until loads of people start asking you what you meant before you explain yourself.

# Problem solving

You intentionally flaunt your problems and issues to everyone, be it scars or love triangles. You share your issues with online friends you barely know even though you can’t get any real help there.

You love playing the victim and you shamelessly crave for sympathy. But really, if you truly want to feel any better, talk to a good friend over phone or in person. Flaunting your heartbreaks or scars online or in public won’t get you anything more than stares.

# Your new look

You upload new photos on facebook all the time, letting people know every single thing you’re doing, including hanging out in the toilet!

signs you are an attention whore,attention seeker,mates and me,relationship tips

# The wannabe braggart

You brag about something when it’s not really such a big deal. I’m an emo chick… I’m a metal chick… I’m a gaming chick… Wow, really? The world doesn’t give a rat’s rear end, you know?

# The group photo

You don’t realize it, but you always claw your way to stand in front of the group every time someone tries to take a picture of the group.

# The sore loser

You just can’t accept it if a guy hits on your friend instead of you when the two of you go out. You think the guy’s a loser, because you’re so much better, and it’s his loss he can’t see that!

signs you are an attention whore,attention seeker,mates and me,relationship tips

# VIP treatment

You want all the attention when you go to a new place. If your friends get more attention that you, you think the place sucks. But if the manager or the chef speaks a lot more to you, you fall in love with the place even if the food sucks.

# The real life

Even if it’s your best friend’s birthday and all of you are dining out or having a party, you try your best to be the life of the party and hog the attention with your antics. And even if someone brings this to your attention, you get angry *because you’re only trying to ensure that everyone has a good time.

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