15 Key Signs You Are Being Taken For Granted

By: Pinki Wed, 03 July 2024 11:34:47

15 Key Signs You are Being Taken for Granted

Do you often feel like you're being taken for granted? Even if you're assertive and in control of your life, there may come a point when you realize that those who love you may be taking advantage of your kindness.

It's one thing to be loving and caring, but it's another to have those qualities exploited.

What should you do when your acts of generosity are expected rather than appreciated?

Being taken for granted can be challenging to define. Essentially, it occurs when someone assumes you will continue to do things for them without a valid reason.

For example, if you're kind enough to let someone use your cellphone when they run out of credit a few times, they might start expecting that they can always rely on your phone.

Initially, it’s a favor you offered out of kindness, but it can quickly turn into an expectation, making you feel obligated to comply.

In relationships, this issue can be particularly problematic. You might do things for your partner daily because you want to, and it makes you happy. However, if your partner starts expecting these acts as a given, it becomes unfair and burdensome.

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# Calls and Texts Aren’t a Priority: When you call or text your partner, they often don’t respond for hours, even though you know they're not busy. Worse, when confronted, they might say they forgot entirely.

# They Get Impatient with You: Your partner quickly loses their temper while explaining things and sometimes makes explanations unnecessarily complicated, just to belittle you.

# They Don’t Make Time for You: Despite making plans weeks in advance, your partner frequently cancels for trivial reasons. However, they expect you to be available whenever they make plans, even at the last minute.

# They Don’t Fear Losing You: They seem indifferent to your social life and make dismissive statements in arguments, such as “You’ll never find someone as good as me” or “I’m too good for you.”

# No Apologies: They refuse to admit mistakes due to their ego, believing that apologizing or appearing wrong in front of you diminishes their self-image.

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# You’re Used to Being Forgotten: Your partner often forgets important things about your life and doesn’t show interest in your day, prioritizing their own life over yours.

# You’re Not Their Priority: You feel like you're not an important part of their life, often feeling like a second or third option at best.

# Your Favors Are Expectations: Acts of kindness you offer are now seen as your obligations. Your partner expects these gestures and reacts negatively if you don’t constantly do nice things for them.

# Your Sacrifices Don’t Count: Despite making significant sacrifices for your partner, they fail to appreciate your efforts and treat you as a minor part of the relationship.

# You’re Ignored: Your partner shows indifference by not answering your questions or responding with dismissive behavior, indicating a lack of engagement.

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# You Are Often Blamed: No matter how much love and effort you put into the relationship, your partner fails to acknowledge it, and instead, they repeatedly blame you for any mistakes.

# You Wonder if They Even Care: Your instincts suggest that your partner doesn’t care about you and that you’re merely being used to satisfy their desires.

# You Know You Deserve Better: Deep down, you know you deserve better treatment, but you're afraid to admit it, feeling too broken to confront the issue.

# They Don’t Listen to You: Your partner frequently forgets what you say, even after multiple reminders, indicating that they don’t prioritize your needs.

# They Expect More All the Time:
Despite your efforts, your partner continues to take you for granted, expecting more without appreciating what you already do. You feel like nothing you do is ever enough.

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