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12 Different Types Of Liars You Will Encounter In Your Life

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:52:37

12 Different Types of Liars You Will Encounter in Your Life

There is not a single individual on this planet who hasn't engaged in deceit at some point. The intriguing aspect is that people concoct a myriad of justifications for their dishonesty, whether it's to spare someone's feelings or to evade trouble. What's truly astonishing is the diversity of liars and lies that exist.

Liars manifest in various forms and sizes, with each one harboring their unique motivations.

Understanding the different categories of liars is essential. Grasping the kinds of liars and their underlying reasons can aid in more effective strategies for dealing with them, as lying is often symptomatic.

For instance, narcissists lie for entirely different motives than pathological liars. While some lies are inconsequential, others can be profoundly harmful.

If you discover that you fall into any of these categories, there's no need to panic. Change is always possible, as lying is a behavior that can be unlearned.

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# The Deceptive Jester

The intentional liar derives pleasure from their deceit. They believe that lying grants them a sense of control, allowing them to manipulate others' reactions, which they find exhilarating. This type of liar craves attention and often views lying as a form of entertainment, frequently disguising their lies as cruel or malicious jokes.

# The Goal-Oriented Manipulator

The manipulative liar is purpose-driven in their deceit. Their lies serve a specific objective, and they are willing to say whatever it takes to achieve it. Flattery is a favored tool in their arsenal, and they use it to advance their agenda, whether in personal or professional contexts.

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# The Occasional Truth Bender

The occasional liar is not a habitual deceiver. When they do lie, guilt consumes them, and they typically seek forgiveness from those they misled. They swiftly recognize their mistake, demonstrating self-awareness and respect for others, a quality less common among other liars.

# The Habitual Fabricator

The frequent liar weaves a web of falsehoods daily, often without concern for the consequences. They rarely make an effort to cover their tracks, leading to a lack of trust and a limited circle of friends. Frequent liars may lie to make themselves appear more interesting or likable, but their deception is often quickly uncovered.

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# The Masterful Deceiver

The smooth liar possesses a high level of skill in deception. They excel at concealing their lies to the point where their targets may not even realize they are being deceived. These individuals are so convincing that their lies go unquestioned, making them captivating figures in social settings.

# The Uncontrollable Fabricator

A compulsive liar faces a serious issue with honesty, lying even when it is unnecessary. They find lying more natural than telling the truth and dedicate significant time to creating new stories and falsehoods. Their trustworthiness is compromised, and their lies can lead to personal destruction.

# The Benevolent White Liar

White liars are individuals who consider their lies as harmless and even beneficial in certain situations. They may tell a version of the truth with a touch of falsehood, often for the greater good or to spare someone's feelings.

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# The Protective Secret-Keeper

The protective liar, while seemingly noble, depends on what or whom they are safeguarding. They will go to great lengths to protect a secret if it serves their purposes, making them loyal secret-keepers, but the nature of the secrets they harbor remains uncertain.

# The Avoidant Truth-Dodger

The avoidant liar aims at self-preservation, preferring to lie rather than offer a truthful explanation. They avoid discomfort, confrontation, or judgment by deflecting and dancing around the truth, often sacrificing candor for comfort.

# The Impressive Fabricator

Impressive liars embellish the truth in an attempt to gain approval from others. They may not consider themselves liars and often view their lies as harmless efforts to impress people, though their blatant deception can be irritating.

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# The Economical Truth-Teller

Lazy liars are straightforward individuals who prefer brevity. They summarize details and avoid convoluted narratives to save time and effort in communication, which, while mostly harmless, can sometimes lead to important details being omitted.

# The Compassionate Deceiver

The tactful liar has good intentions and lies to provide reassurance and spare others' feelings. They offer compliments when asked about appearance or minimize embarrassing moments to offer comfort and support.

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