Ganesh Chaturthi 2019- Tips To Make Shadu Clay Ganesha
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Wed, 28 Aug 2019 11:13:40
This Ganesh Chaturthi 2019, while we immense ourselves in the Lord, we should also remember that we must protect the environment, he created.
How to make Shadu Clay Ganesha
* This clay is available easily as it is used by potters.
* Mix the clay powder with enough quantity of water to make a pliable dough.
* Split the dough into three parts and shape as big balls for body, base and head.
* Also make 4 elongated pieces for limbs and four small balls for the tusk, crown and ears.
* The size of these balls depends on how big you want your idol to be.
* The one big clay ball and flatten it with a rolling pin to make base.
* On this flattened base keep the second big clay balls to make the body.
* Add some more dough in the front to make round tummy.
* Take the two elongated pieced and place them to form legs and remaining 2 to form the arms.
* Use a toothpick to make the markings or design for dhoti, toes and fingers.
* Take another clay balls and place oner the body to make the idols head.
* To this add small ball in front to make the trunk. The trunk should be made pointed.
* To keep it in palace firmly use a toothpick.
* Smoothen out it out a bit so that it looks a like a head.
* With two small balls shape elephant ears, to make it more natural use the toothpick and markings on the ears.
* Make a crown from the remaining ball and fix it on head with a toothpick.
* Pierce holes for eyes and naval.
* With use of some thin dough one make can also make some ornaments for the idol.
* Lastly to make Lord Ganeshas idols more attractive use natural colours like Turmeric or non-toxic paints from the market once the clay dries up.
* And your Ganesha idol is ready for the festival.