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Sarahah App- Side Effects Of Latest Internet Sensation

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Thu, 17 Aug 2017 1:11:29

Sarahah App- Side Effects of Latest Internet Sensation

The latest sensation of Internet that has flooded thetimelines of people with anonymous messages, Sarahah is really that much worth the hype?

The anonymous-commentary app launched in February; loosely translated, its name means “honesty” in Arabic. The app, theoretically, does what it says on the tin: It allows users to submit honest comments, questions, and critiques to their peers. How do you know they’re honest? Because the comments are submitted anonymously. You can guess where this is headed.

Considering the fact that people have the freedom to send anonymous messages to anyone, there are reports that some people are misusing the app and are using it as a tool for rampant cyber-bullying. Though some users are taking this as a game and fooling around with friends, there are a bunch of evils eyes who are targeting the Sarahah app as a cyber bullying platform. They are sending threatening messages to people and literally bullying them.

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They are sending threatening messages to people and literally bullying them. The app was introduced just a few months ago and already there multiple cases of cyber bullying related to it. and pre-teens have reportedly been subjected to unsavoury comments and racist remarks in some instances. While on the other, people are using this application to going up to the extent of sending death threats. A review that was posted on Google Play reads, "My 13-year-old sister uses this and she got a death threat aimed at our 2-year-old brother." After such incidents took place, many parents have reported that the app and said that this is "the newest platform for cyber bullying".

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