5 Modern Day Things That Belong To Ancient Time
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 08 July 2017 07:33:29
There are certain aspects of our modern everyday lives which we may wholeheartedly believe to be recently conceived. Some of these, such as i Phones and TV sets, truly are modern inventions while others seem to go back centuries. Below we have a list of ten seemingly ‘modern’ things that are actually far older than you could have ever imagined.
Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
According to Elizabeth Harken, the author of ‘Venus Envy: A History of Plastic Surgery’, the first recorded rhinoplasty procedure was performed in ancient India in the 6th century B.C, where a flap of skin from a patient’s cheek was used for re-shaping the new nose.
Running Shoes
Running Shoes
The oldest running shoes date back to the early 1860s although they barely resemble today’s sneakers at all. First created by Thomas Dutton and Thorowgood, they look more suitable for a formal occasion, with smooth black leather and a stacked heel.
Macaroni and cheese is the ultimate comfort food but few know that it dates back to the 14th century. Recipes for early versions have been found in various cookbooks, including the Italian medieval cookbook “Liber de Coquina” (Book of Cooking) and the English “Forme of Cury”. The latter describes a dish called “makerouns” made from fresh pasta, melted butter and cheese.
Marry Go Round
Marry Go Round
During the Crusades in the 1100s, European soldiers observed Turkish and Arabian horsemen compete in a curious game which involved riding a horse while holding a lance in order to spear a ring that hung from a tree limb.
Fast-food restaurants have been around for centuries and date back to at least ancient Roman times. Back then, they were called “thermopolia” and were a standard feature of life around the Roman Empire.