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Every Couple Goes Through These Weird Things During Sex

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Thu, 22 June 2017 11:19:44

Every Couple Goes Through These Weird Things During Sex

As soon as you start having sex consistently, you begin developing your repertoire of sexual techniques your go to ways of making a woman moan, and keeping her coming back for more. But what if your signature moves just turn her off? Here are few of the weird things that couples do during sex -

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Socks on
Maybe you just like keeping your feet warm - or perhaps you think leaving your knee-highs on is as erotic as her wearing heels to bed. Wrong. It's actually a major mood-killer for women- It's just not visually attractive.

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Repeatedly touch her no - fly zones
Every woman has a few places on her body - often her stomach or her thighs - she feels self-conscious about having touched. And consistently trying to bring that sensitive spot into sex play won't ease her discomfort.

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Calling her BABY
The occasional "baby" or "honey" can make your partner feel connected. But overdo it on the generic pet names, and you'll just sound like a seductive sweet talker.

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Gaze at her vagina
Look, all those intricate folds are fascinating. But staring down her lady parts during oral doesn't make her feel appreciated - it's just kind of creepy.

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